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The time,  in minutes between customer arrivals at the RyanJet check-in desk at Newcastle Airport follows an exponential distribution with rate 0.9 i.e. 



Find E[X] between customer arrivals at the RyanJet check-in desk at Newcastle Airport :

E[X]=? Expected answer: minutes (enter as a decimal correct to 3 decimal places).

Find Var(X):

Var(X)=? Expected answer: (enter as a decimal correct to 3 decimal places).

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Find the probability that the time between two customers arriving is less than 1.7 minutes:

 P(X<1.7)=? Expected answer: (enter as a decimal correct to 3 decimal places)

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If XExp(λ) then E[X]=1λ and  Var(X)=1λ2.

Also P(X<a)=1eλa.


If XExp(0.9) then:

E[X]=1λ=10.9=1.111 to 3 decimal places.

Var(X)=1λ2=10.92=1.235 to 3 decimal places.


P(X<1.7)=1(e0.9×1.7)=1(e1.53)=0.783 to 3 decimal places.

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A new supermarket plans to open somewhere on the outskirts of a town. In fact, $X$, the distance of a new supermarket from the town centre is Uniformly distributed between $\var{lower}$ metres and $\var{upper}$ metres i.e. 

\[X \sim \operatorname{U}(\var{lower},\var{upper})\]


Find $\operatorname{E}[X]$, the expected distance in metres of the new supermarket from the town centre:

$\operatorname{E}[X]=\;?$ Expected answer: m  (to 3 decimal places).

Also find the variance $\operatorname{Var}(X)$:

 $\operatorname{Var}(X)=\;$? Expected answer: (to 3 decimal places).


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Find the probability that the supermarket opens within $\var{thisdis}$ kilometres of the town centre.

$P(X \le \var{thisdis}\textrm{km})=\;$? Expected answer:  (to 3 decimal places).

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a) For a Uniform distribution \[X \sim \operatorname{U}(\var{lower},\var{upper})\] we have:

$\displaystyle \operatorname{E}[X] = \frac{\var{lower}+\var{upper}}{2}=\var{ans1}$m

$\displaystyle \operatorname{Var}[X] = \frac{(\var{upper}-\var{lower})^2}{12}=\frac{(\var{upper-lower})^2}{12}=\var{ans2}$ to 3 decimal places.


$\displaystyle P(X \le \var{thisdis}\textrm{km})=\frac{\var{thisdis}\times 1000 -\var{lower}}{\var{upper}-\var{lower}}=\var{ans3}$ to 3 decimal places.

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