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", "$\\frac{1}{2}\\times$ base $\\times$ height $\\times$ length
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", "$\\pi\\times$ base $\\times$ height $\\times$ length
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", "$a^2=c^2\\text {x } b^2$
", "applicable to isosceles triangle only
", "applicable to all triangles
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", "three sides of different lengths
", "three angles that add up to $\\var{n1}^o$
", "two equal sides and two equal angles
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", "$y=mx+c^2$
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\n | \n |
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", "$2$
", "$1$
", "$-1$
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", "$2=\\frac{bA}{h}$
", "$2=A-bh$
", "$2=A+bh$
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", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": ""}, "variables": {}, "metadata": {"notes": "Not keen on the choice of 2= but taken from prior (real) test
", "description": "Rearrange formula
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\n | $\\var{b}$mm | \n
", "$\\var{n1}$
", "$\\var{calc3}$
", "$\\var{calc4}$
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", "$d= {\\frac{A2-4}{\\pi}}$
", "$d= \\frac{A-4}{\\pi}$
", "$d= \\sqrt{\\frac{\\pi}{A-4}}$
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\nApprox 90% of questions have some variation/randomisation in either correct answer, wrong answers, or both.
", "description": "A set of MCQ designed to help Level 2 Engineering students prepare/practice for the on-line GOLA test that is used to assess the C&G 2850, Level 2 Engineering, Unit 202: Engineering Principles.
", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "timing": {"timeout": {"action": "none", "message": ""}, "allowPause": true, "timedwarning": {"action": "none", "message": ""}}, "duration": 0, "shuffleQuestions": true, "contributors": [{"name": "Michael Proudman", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/269/"}, {"name": "ben gullett", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/3341/"}], "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [["question-resources/PyLadder.JPG", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/PyLadder.JPG"], ["question-resources/graph1.JPG", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/graph1.JPG"], ["question-resources/PlainCylinder.JPG", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/PlainCylinder.JPG"], ["question-resources/Triangle1.JPG", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/Triangle1.JPG"]]}