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To answer questions these types of questions you need to remember the order of BODMAS.



For the questions of the type $7 \\times 5 + 9$.



We first calculate the multiplication



$7 \\times 5 + 9 = 35 + 9$



and then the addition since the M comes before A in BODMAS



$35 + 9 = 44$



Similarly for questions of the form $85 \\div 5 - (-3)$.



We start by doing the division



$17 - (-3)$



and then the subtraction. Remember that $-$(-ve number)$ = +$



$17 - (-3) = 20.$




For mor information on this see BODMAS


", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"integerPartialCredit": 0, "prompt": "

$\\var{a} \\times \\simplify[!collectNumbers, basic]{{b} + {c}}$

", "integerAnswer": true, "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "(a*b)+c", "minValue": "(a*b)+c", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"integerPartialCredit": 0, "prompt": "

$\\var{d} - \\var{f} \\times \\var{g}$

", "integerAnswer": true, "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "d-(f*g)", "minValue": "d-(f*g)", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$\\var{h} \\div \\var{j} - \\var{k}$ 


$\\simplify[!basic]{ {h} / {j} - {k} }$

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "(h/j) - k", "minValue": "(h/j) - k", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$\\var{r} + \\var{s} \\div \\var{t}$ 

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "r + (s/t)", "minValue": "r + (s/t)", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$\\var{l} + \\var{m} \\times \\var{n} - \\var{p} \\div \\var{q}$

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "l+(m*n)-(p/q)", "minValue": "l+(m*n)-(p/q)", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "statement": "

Calculate the following using BODMAS:

", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": ""}, "variables": {"a": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "description": ""}, "c": {"definition": "random(-15..15 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "c", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "description": ""}, "d": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "d", "description": ""}, "g": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "g", "description": ""}, "f": {"definition": "random(-10..10 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "f", "description": ""}, "h": {"definition": "random(1..10)*j", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "h", "description": ""}, "k": {"definition": "random(-15..15 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "k", "description": ""}, "j": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "j", "description": ""}, "m": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "m", "description": ""}, "l": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "l", "description": ""}, "n": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "n", "description": ""}, "q": {"definition": "random(0..10 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "q", "description": ""}, "p": {"definition": "random(1..10)*q", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "p", "description": ""}, "s": {"definition": "random(-10..10 except 0)*t", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "s", "description": ""}, "r": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "r", "description": ""}, "u": {"definition": "random(1..10)*v", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "u", "description": ""}, "t": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "t", "description": ""}, "w": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "w", "description": ""}, "v": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "v", "description": ""}, "y": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "y", "description": ""}, "x": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "x", "description": ""}, "z": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "z", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Decimals", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["smallest", "nd_smallest", "middle", "nd_largest", "largest", "p_value", "a", "b", "c", "d", "f", "sum_of_marks", "sum_marks"], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"maxAnswers": 0, "prompt": "

Order the following decimals from smallest to largest.



", "matrix": [["1", 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, "1", 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, "1", 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, "1", 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, "1"]], "shuffleAnswers": false, "minAnswers": 0, "scripts": {}, "answers": ["Smallest", "2nd Smallest", "Middle", "2nd Largest", "Largest"], "choices": ["$\\var{smallest}$", "$\\var{nd_smallest}$", "$\\var{middle}$", "$\\var{nd_largest}$", "$\\var{largest}$"], "marks": 0, "displayType": "radiogroup", "maxMarks": 0, "warningType": "none", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "type": "m_n_x", "shuffleChoices": true, "minMarks": 0, "layout": {"expression": "", "type": "all"}}, {"distractors": ["", "", "", "", ""], "prompt": "

Choose the samllest value for which the following statement is true.



The value $p = \\var{p_value}$ is less than

", "matrix": ["{a}", "{b}", "{c}", "{d}", "{f}"], "shuffleChoices": false, "scripts": {}, "choices": ["


", "


", "


", "


", "

Non of these

"], "displayType": "radiogroup", "maxMarks": "1", "marks": 0, "displayColumns": 0, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "type": "1_n_2", "minMarks": 0}], "statement": "

Answer the following questions regarding decimals.

", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": "largest > nd_largest"}, "variables": {"a": {"definition": "(sign(0.1 - p_value) + 1)/2 - max(max(b,c),d)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "description": ""}, "p_value": {"definition": "random(1..1500)/10000", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "p_value", "description": ""}, "c": {"definition": "(sign(0.01 - p_value) + 1)/2 - d", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "c", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "(sign(0.05 - p_value) + 1)/2 - max(c,d)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "description": ""}, "nd_largest": {"definition": "largest - random(1..9)/1000", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "nd_largest", "description": ""}, "f": {"definition": "if(sum_of_marks,1,0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "f", "description": ""}, "middle": {"definition": "smallest + random(1..59)/100", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "middle", "description": ""}, "smallest": {"definition": "random(1..99)/1000", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "smallest", "description": ""}, "largest": {"definition": "random(middle*1000..999)/1000", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "largest", "description": ""}, "sum_of_marks": {"definition": "a+b+c+d = 0", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "sum_of_marks", "description": ""}, "nd_smallest": {"definition": "smallest+ random(1..9)/10000", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "nd_smallest", "description": ""}, "sum_marks": {"definition": "a+b+c+d+f", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "sum_marks", "description": ""}, "d": {"definition": "(sign(0.001 - p_value) + 1)/2", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "d", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Fractions", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": [], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "

Questions of the form $\\dfrac{\\var{ac}}{\\var{bc}}$


First identify the greatest common factor the numberator and denominator have in common. In this case the factor in common is $\\var{gcd_ac_bc}$. We can the divide both through by this number


$\\dfrac{\\var{ac}}{\\var{bc}} = \\dfrac{\\var{a} \\times \\var{gcd_ac_bc}}{\\var{b} \\times \\var{gcd_ac_bc}} = \\dfrac{\\var{a}}{\\var{b}}$.



Questions of the form $\\dfrac{\\var{d}}{\\var{f}} + \\dfrac{\\var{g}}{\\var{h}}$


In order to add these two fractions we firstly need to make sure the denominators are the same.


In this example we would multiply the top and bottom of the first fraction by $\\var{h}$ and the second fraction by $\\var{f}$. The causes both fractions to have a denominator of $\\simplify{{f}*{h}}$.


Therefore the question becomes


$\\dfrac{\\var{d}}{\\var{f}}+ \\dfrac{\\var{g}}{\\var{h}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{({d}*{h})}}{\\simplify{({f}*{h})}} + \\dfrac{\\simplify{{g}*{f}}}{\\simplify{{f}*{h}}}$


We can now add the fractions together


$\\dfrac{\\simplify{({d}*{h})}}{\\simplify{({f}*{h})}}+ \\dfrac{\\simplify{({g}*{f})}}{\\simplify{({f}*{h})}}= \\dfrac{\\simplify{{d}*{h}} + \\simplify{{g}*{f}}}{\\simplify{{f}*{h}}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{d}*{h}+{g}*{f}}}{\\simplify{{f}*{h}}}$


And then simplify (if necessary)


$= \\dfrac{\\var{b_num}}{\\var{b_den}}$.



Questions of the form $\\dfrac{\\var{j}}{\\var{k}} - \\dfrac{\\var{l}}{\\var{m}}$


In order to subtract one fraction from the other we need to make sure the denominators are the same as we did above.


In this example we would multiply the top and bottom of the first fraction by $\\var{m}$ and the second fraction by $\\var{k}$. The causes both fractions to have a denominator of $\\simplify{{k}*{m}}$.


Therefore the question becomes


$\\dfrac{\\var{j}}{\\var{k}} - \\dfrac{\\var{l}}{\\var{m}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{j}*{m}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}} - \\dfrac{\\simplify{{l}*{k}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}}$.


We can now subtract one fraction from the other


$\\dfrac{\\var{j}}{\\var{k}} - \\dfrac{\\var{l}}{\\var{m}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{j}*{m}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}} - \\dfrac{\\simplify{{l}*{k}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{j}*{m}} - \\simplify{{l}*{k}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{j}*{m} - {l}*{k}}}{\\simplify{{k}*{m}}}$


and simplify (if necessary)





Questions of the form $\\dfrac{\\var{n}}{\\var{p}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{q}}{\\var{r}}$


In this example we would multiply the top of each fraction together and the bottom of each fraction together.


Therefore the question becomes 


$\\dfrac{\\var{n}}{\\var{p}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{q}}{\\var{r}} = \\dfrac{\\var{n} \\times \\var{q}}{\\var{p} \\times \\var{r}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{n}*{q}}}{\\simplify{{p}*{r}}}$.


and simplify (if necessary)





Questions of the form $\\dfrac{\\var{s}}{\\var{t}} \\div \\dfrac{\\var{u}}{\\var{v}}$


To divide one fraction by another we start by flipping the second fraction


$\\dfrac{\\var{u}}{\\var{v}} \\rightarrow \\dfrac{\\var{v}}{\\var{u}}$


and then multiplying by the new fraction.


Therefore the question becomes 


$\\dfrac{\\var{s}}{\\var{t}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{v}}{\\var{u}} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{s}*{v}}}{\\simplify{{t}*{u}}}$.


This can then be simplified (if necessary)





Questions of the form $\\Bigg(\\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}}\\Bigg)^2$


This is the same as multiplying the fraction by itself


$\\Bigg(\\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}}\\Bigg)^2 = \\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}}$.


This can be solved in the same way as in part d). We multiply numerators together and denominators together


$\\Bigg(\\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}}\\Bigg)^2 = \\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{w}}{\\var{x}} = \\dfrac{\\var{w}^2}{\\var{x}^2} = \\dfrac{\\simplify{{w}^2}}{\\simplify{{x}^2}}$.


This is simplified to (if necessary)



", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "



Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]


", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{a}", "minValue": "{a}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{b}", "minValue": "{b}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

$\\dfrac{\\var{d}}{\\var{f}}+ \\dfrac{\\var{g}}{\\var{h}}$


Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]


", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{b_num}", "minValue": "{b_num}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{b_den}", "minValue": "{b_den}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

$\\dfrac{\\var{j}}{\\var{k}} - \\dfrac{\\var{l}}{\\var{m}}$


Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]


", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{c_num}", "minValue": "{c_num}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{c_den}", "minValue": "{c_den}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

$\\dfrac{\\var{n}}{\\var{p}} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{q}}{\\var{r}}$


Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]

", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{d_num}", "minValue": "{d_num}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{d_den}", "minValue": "{d_den}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

$\\dfrac{\\var{s}}{\\var{t}} \\div \\dfrac{\\var{u}}{\\var{v}}$


Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]

", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{e_num}", "minValue": "{e_num}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "e_den}", "minValue": "{e_den}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "



Input your answer here: [[0]]/[[1]]


", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{f_num}", "minValue": "{f_num}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{f_den}", "minValue": "{f_den}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "gapfill"}], "statement": "

Simplify the following fractions, the answers should be in simplest or lowest form i.e. no further cancellations possible.



You may have to use BODMAS.

", "variable_groups": [{"variables": ["a", "b", "c", "ac", "bc", "gcd_ac_bc"], "name": "Part a"}, {"variables": ["d", "f", "g", "h", "gcd_b", "b_num", "b_den"], "name": "Part b"}, {"variables": ["j", "k", "l", "m", "gcd_c", "c_num", "c_den"], "name": "Part c"}, {"variables": ["n", "p", "q", "r", "gcd_d", "d_num", "d_den"], "name": "Part d"}, {"variables": ["e_den", "e_num", "gcd_e", "s", "t", "u", "v"], "name": "Part e"}, {"variables": ["w", "x", "gcd_f", "f_num", "f_den"], "name": "Part f"}], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": "gcd(a,b)=1\n"}, "variables": {"e_den": {"definition": "t*u/gcd_e", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "e_den", "description": ""}, "ac": {"definition": " a*c", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "ac", "description": ""}, "e_num": {"definition": "s*v/gcd_e", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "e_num", "description": ""}, "b_num": {"definition": "(d*h+g*f)/gcd_b", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "b_num", "description": ""}, "c_den": {"definition": "k*m/gcd_c", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "c_den", "description": ""}, "d_num": {"definition": "n*q/gcd_d", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "d_num", "description": ""}, "c_num": {"definition": "(j*m-l*k)/gcd_c", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "c_num", "description": ""}, "d_den": {"definition": "p*r/gcd_d", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "d_den", "description": ""}, "gcd_b": {"definition": "gcd(d*h + g*f,f*h)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "gcd_b", "description": ""}, "gcd_c": {"definition": "gcd(j*m-l*k,k*m)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "gcd_c", "description": ""}, "gcd_f": {"definition": "gcd(w^2, x^2)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part f", "name": "gcd_f", "description": ""}, "gcd_d": {"definition": "gcd(n*q,p*r)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "gcd_d", "description": ""}, "gcd_e": {"definition": "gcd(s*v,t*u)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "gcd_e", "description": ""}, "b_den": {"definition": "f*h/gcd_b", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "b_den", "description": ""}, "f_num": {"definition": "w^2/gcd_f", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part f", "name": "f_num", "description": ""}, "bc": {"definition": "b*c", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "bc", "description": ""}, "f_den": {"definition": "x^2/gcd_f", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part f", "name": "f_den", "description": ""}, "gcd_ac_bc": {"definition": "gcd(ac,bc)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "gcd_ac_bc", "description": ""}, "a": {"definition": "random(1..50)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "a", "description": "

part a

"}, "c": {"definition": "random(2..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "c", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "random(a+1..50)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part a", "name": "b", "description": "

part a

"}, "d": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "d", "description": ""}, "g": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "g", "description": ""}, "f": {"definition": "random(2..10 except d)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "f", "description": ""}, "h": {"definition": "random(2..10 except f except g)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part b", "name": "h", "description": ""}, "k": {"definition": "random(2..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "k", "description": ""}, "j": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "j", "description": ""}, "m": {"definition": "random(2..10 except k)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "m", "description": ""}, "l": {"definition": "random(1..15) ", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part c", "name": "l", "description": ""}, "n": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "n", "description": ""}, "q": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "q", "description": ""}, "p": {"definition": "random(2..10 except n)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "p", "description": ""}, "s": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "s", "description": ""}, "r": {"definition": "random(2..10 except q)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part d", "name": "r", "description": ""}, "u": {"definition": "random(1..15)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "u", "description": ""}, "t": {"definition": "random(2..10 except s)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "t", "description": ""}, "w": {"definition": "random(1..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part f", "name": "w", "description": ""}, "v": {"definition": "random(2..10 except u)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part e", "name": "v", "description": ""}, "x": {"definition": "random(2..10 except w)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part f", "name": "x", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "

Simplifing and combining fractions

", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Orders", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["negative_number", "a", "b", "length_side", "c", "d"], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "

For questions of the type \"$2 + (4)^2$\"


In this question we have both squaring and addition. Using BODMAS we see that Orders comes before Addition so we calculate the square before the addition. The squaring gives


$2+ (4)^2 = 2 + 16$


and then calculating the addition gives


$2+16 = 18$



For questions of the type \"$(7-4)^2$\"


Using BODMAS we see that Brackets come before Order. So simplifying the brakets gives


$(7-4)^2 = 3^2$.


Then we have a number squared. So the answer is


$3^2 = 9$.



For questions of the type \"What is $-3$ squared?\"


It is first good to write down the question in mathematical notation




and then calculate


$(-3)^2 = 9$.



For questions of the type \"A square has length $8$. What is its area?\"


We know that the area of a square is the length of its sides squared. Hence 


Area$= 8^2$


So the area is $64$



", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "

$\\var{a} + (\\var{b})^2$

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "a + b^2", "minValue": "a + b^2", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "


", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "(c-d)^2", "minValue": "(c-d)^2", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

What is $\\var{negative_number}$ squared?

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "negative_number^2", "minValue": "negative_number^2", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

The area of a square is defined to be the length of  its sides squared.


If a square has sides of length $\\var{length_side}$, what is its area?

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "length_side^2", "minValue": "length_side^2", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "statement": "

Using BODMAS answer the follwing questions

", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": ""}, "variables": {"a": {"definition": "random(-10..10)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "description": ""}, "c": {"definition": "random(1..5)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "c", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "random(-10..10 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "description": ""}, "d": {"definition": "random(-5..5 except c)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "d", "description": ""}, "negative_number": {"definition": "random(-10..-1)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "negative_number", "description": ""}, "length_side": {"definition": "random(1..12)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "length_side", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Percentages", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["a", "b", "mint", "chocolate", "sweets", "num", "den", "n", "d", "per", "marks", "increase", "new_mark", "decimal", "gcd_per100", "numerator", "denominator", "marks_increased", "p", "dec"], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "

Questions of the form \"find $\\var{a}\\%$ of $\\var{b}$\". 


In order to answer this you multiply the number, $\\var{b}$, by the percentage over 100, $\\dfrac{\\var{a}}{100}$


$\\var{b} \\times \\dfrac{\\var{a}}{100} = \\simplify{{a}*{b}/100}$


Remember: Give you answer to 2 decimal places.




Questions of the form \"if a mixed bag of $\\var{sweets}$ sweets contains $\\var{mint}$ mints and $\\var{chocolate}$ chocolates. What percentage of the contents is chocolate\"


To calculate the percentage of chocolate sweets in the bag you must divide the number of chocolates by the total number of sweets and then multiply by $100%$.


$\\dfrac{\\var{chocolate}}{\\var{sweets}}\\times 100 = \\simplify{100*{chocolate}/{sweets}}.


Remember: Give you answer to 2 decimal places.




Questions of the form \"convert $\\dfrac{\\var{num}}{\\var{den}}$ into a percentage\"


This question is very similar to part b). We already have the number in fractional form if we covert this into a decimal and multiply by $100\\%$ we obtain the percentage


$\\dfrac{\\var{num}}{\\var{den}} = \\var{deciamal}\\times 100\\% = \\simplify{{decimal}*100}\\%$


Remember: Give you answer to 2 decimal places.




Questions of the form \"convert $\\var{per}\\%$ into a fraction\"


To do this you simply divide by $100$.


$\\var{per}\\% = \\dfrac{\\var{per}}{100} = \\dfrac{\\var{numerator}}{\\var{denominator}}$ 




Questions of the form \"Last year the average mark in an exam was $\\var{marks}$. They have now increased by $\\var{increase}$ percent. What is the current average mark?\"


We start by finding $\\var{increase}$ % of $\\var{marks}$.


$\\var{marks}\\times\\dfrac{\\var{increase}}{100} = \\var{marks_increased}$


We then add this onto last years average marks to find this years


$\\var{marks} + \\var{marks_increased} = \\var{new_mark}$

", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "

Find $\\var{a}\\%$ of $\\var{b}$


Answer:   [[0]]  (2.d.p)

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"precisionType": "dp", "precisionMessage": "

You have not given your answer to the correct number of decimal places.

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "precision": "2", "maxValue": "(a/100)*b", "strictPrecision": false, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": "50", "scripts": {}, "minValue": "(a/100)*b", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

If a mixed bag of $\\var{sweets}$ sweets contains $\\var{mint}$ mints and $\\var{chocolate}$ chocolates. What percentage of the contents is chocolate?



Answer:  [[0]] %(2.dp)

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"precisionType": "dp", "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "precision": "2", "maxValue": "(chocolate/sweets)*100", "strictPrecision": false, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": "50", "scripts": {}, "minValue": "(chocolate/sweets)*100", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

Convert $\\dfrac{\\var{num}}{\\var{den}}$ into a percentage.


Answer: [[0]] % (2dp)

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"precisionType": "dp", "precisionMessage": "

You have not given your answer to the correct number of decimal places.

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "precision": "2", "maxValue": "(num/den)*100", "strictPrecision": false, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": "50", "scripts": {}, "minValue": "(num/den)*100", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

Convert $\\var{per}\\%$ into a fraction. Fraction must be in it's simplest form.


Answer: [[0]] /[[1]]

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "numerator", "minValue": "numerator", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "denominator", "minValue": "denominator", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

Last year the average mark in an exam was $\\var{marks}$. They have now increased by $\\var{increase}$ percent. What is the current average mark?


Answer: [[0]]

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"precisionType": "dp", "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "precision": "2", "maxValue": "new_mark", "strictPrecision": false, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": "50", "scripts": {}, "minValue": "new_mark", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

Write $\\var{p}$ as a decimal?


Answer:  [[0]] (2 d.p.)

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"precisionType": "dp", "precisionMessage": "

You have not given your answer to the correct precision. Please give your answer to 2 decimal places.

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "precision": "2", "maxValue": "dec", "strictPrecision": false, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": "50", "scripts": {}, "minValue": "dec", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}], "statement": "

Answer the following questions on percentages.

", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": ""}, "variables": {"a": {"definition": "random(1..20)*5", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "random(1..30)*10", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "description": ""}, "d": {"definition": "random(n+1..20)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "d", "description": ""}, "p": {"definition": "random(1..99)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "p", "description": ""}, "marks_increased": {"definition": "marks*increase/100", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "marks_increased", "description": ""}, "new_mark": {"definition": "marks*(1+(increase/100))", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "new_mark", "description": ""}, "denominator": {"definition": "100/gcd_per100", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "denominator", "description": ""}, "numerator": {"definition": "per/gcd_per100", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "numerator", "description": ""}, "per": {"definition": "precround(100*n/d,0)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "per", "description": ""}, "chocolate": {"definition": "sweets - mint", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "chocolate", "description": ""}, "increase": {"definition": "random(1..40)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "increase", "description": ""}, "sweets": {"definition": "random(1..4)*10", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "sweets", "description": ""}, "num": {"definition": "random(1..90)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "num", "description": ""}, "gcd_per100": {"definition": "gcd(per,100)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "gcd_per100", "description": ""}, "den": {"definition": "random(num..99 except num)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "den", "description": ""}, "marks": {"definition": "random(40..100)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "marks", "description": ""}, "n": {"definition": "random(1..18)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "n", "description": ""}, "dec": {"definition": "p/100", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "dec", "description": ""}, "mint": {"definition": "random(1..sweets)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "mint", "description": ""}, "decimal": {"definition": "num/den", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "decimal", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Rounding", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["a", "sig_a", "b", "prec_b", "c", "sig_c"], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"precisionType": "sigfig", "prompt": "

$\\var{a}$ to 3 significant figures

", "precisionMessage": "

You have not given your answer to the correct precision. You need to round to 3 significant figures.

", "allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "precision": "3", "maxValue": "sig_a", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "strictPrecision": true, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "minValue": "sig_a", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$\\var{b}$ to 2 decimal places

", "allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "prec_b", "minValue": "prec_b", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"precisionType": "sigfig", "prompt": "

$\\var{c}$ to 3 significant figures

", "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "precision": "3", "maxValue": "sig_c", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "strictPrecision": true, "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "minValue": "sig_c", "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "statement": "

Round the following number to the appropriate number of significant figures or decimal places

", "variable_groups": [], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": "c > 10"}, "variables": {"a": {"definition": "random(7..69 except 14 except 21 except 28 except 35 except 42 except 49 except 56 except 63)/7", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "description": ""}, "c": {"definition": "random(1..69 except 7 except 14 except 21 except 28 except 35 except 42 except 49 except 56 except 63)*10/7", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "c", "description": ""}, "b": {"definition": "random(1..69 except 7 except 14 except 21 except 28 except 35 except 42 except 49 except 56 except 63)*10/7", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "description": ""}, "prec_b": {"definition": "precround(b, 2)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "prec_b", "description": ""}, "sig_c": {"definition": "siground(c,3)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "sig_c", "description": ""}, "sig_a": {"definition": "siground(a,3)", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "sig_a", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}]}, {"name": "BODMAS: Square Roots", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "contributors": [{"name": "Hayley Moore", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/495/"}], "functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["a", "a2", "b", "c", "d2", "rand", "d", "b2", "c2", "sq2", "sq", "area", "l"], "tags": [], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "

Questions of the type $\\sqrt{9}$


For this type of question you are asked to give both roots.


We know that $(-x)^2 = x^2$ and that $(+x)^2 = x^2$.


So the answer to this question is $\\pm 3$


Psoitive root: $3$    Negative root: $-3$



Questions of the type $\\sqrt{(9+16)}$


Using BODMAS we know that we fist need to evaluate the brackets


$\\sqrt{(9+16)} = \\sqrt{25}$.


We can now take the square root


$\\sqrt{25} = 5$ and $\\sqrt{25} = -5$



Questions of the type \"The area of a square is 81, find the length of its sides\"


This can be written mathematically as 


$l^2 = 81$


where $l$ represents the length of the sides.


Therefore the length of the sides is $9$.



NOTE: Lengths cannot be negative, therefore always take the positive square root in this type of question.


", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "



Positive root: [[0]]    Negative root: [[1]]

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "a", "minValue": "a", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "-a", "minValue": "-a", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "




Postitive root: [[0]]     Negative root: [[1]]

", "marks": 0, "gaps": [{"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "d", "minValue": "d", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "-d", "minValue": "-d", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "gapfill"}, {"prompt": "

What is the positive square root of $\\var{sq2}$?

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "sq", "minValue": "sq", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

The area of a square is defined to be the square of the length of its side.


A square has area $\\var{area}$, what is the length of its sides?

", "allowFractions": false, "marks": 1, "maxValue": "l", "minValue": "l", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "statement": "

Answer the following questions using BODMAS

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