Question 1 Tentukan seluruh pasangan vektor yang saling tegak lurus untuk setiap x∈R. Answer for part u=⟨sin(x),sin(2x)⟩, v=⟨2cos(x),−1⟩.u=⟨sin(x),cos2(x)+1⟩, v=⟨sin(x),−1⟩.u=⟨2x+1,x−2,1⟩, v=⟨1,1,3x−1⟩.u=⟨x+2,2x−1,−1⟩, v=⟨1,1,3x+1⟩. Expected answer: u=⟨sin(x),sin(2x)⟩, v=⟨2cos(x),−1⟩.u=⟨sin(x),cos2(x)+1⟩, v=⟨sin(x),−1⟩.u=⟨2x+1,x−2,1⟩, v=⟨1,1,3x−1⟩.u=⟨x+2,2x−1,−1⟩, v=⟨1,1,3x+1⟩. Save answer Score: 0/1 Feedback for . Hide feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Advice Score: 0/1 Total 0/1 Move to the next questionTry another question like this oneReveal answers