Many calculations will result in numbers which need to be entered in decimal notation.
I will always ask for the decimal to be input to a certain number of decimal places.
Often there is a small tolerance built in so that if you get the result wrong by 1 in the last decimal place then it will be marked as correct.
But accuracy is important, so make sure that you get the calculations correct.
For example:
Input 107 as a decimal correct to 2 decimal places here:
Try entering the correct value and submitting. Then vary the last decimal place by 1 either way and submitting, and then the last place by 2 either way and submitting.
Try putting in the fraction as it is (i.e. 10/7 ) and see what happens.
The system gives an error message as what you have put in is not a direct representation of a number. But you can always re-enter.
So be careful - always check after submitting your answer that the input field contains the answer that you thought you entered.