Question 1 Data la seguente funzione y=x2−3 a) Qual è il coefficiente angolare di y=1.5x−4 ? Coefficiente = Write your answer as a fraction.Expected answer: What is the y-coordinate of the point on the line whose x-coordinate is −4? ( −4 , interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as−10 ) Save answer Score: 0/2 Feedback for a). Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here.b) Fill in the table of values for y=x2−3: x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 y interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as6 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as1 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as−2 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as−3 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as−2 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as1 interpreted asExpected answer:interpreted as6 Save answer Score: 0/3.5 Feedback for b). Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here.c) 24−2−42468−2−4−6−80,0 Slide the points to the correct y values. Save answer Score: 0/3.5 Feedback for c). Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Advice This is the graph you should have obtained. 24−2−42468−2−4−6−80,0 Score: 0/9 Total 0/9 Move to the next questionTry another question like this oneReveal answers