Question 1 Which of the following are true and which are false? If you are unsure of something, find out the answer instead of guessing. A single error will result in a score 0 for this question. If you are unable to find out, you are welcome to ask me for help or advice. Answer for part TrueFalse BODMAS is wrong, or at the least, it is confusing To undo a procedure, you undo each step starting from the beginning log2(8)=3 because 23=8 30 is a multiple of 5 To get from 3454−744 to 3454−745, you add 1 To get from 511 to 512, you add 1 5 is a factor of 30 Expected answer: Answer for part TrueFalse BODMAS is wrong, or at the least, it is confusing To undo a procedure, you undo each step starting from the beginning log2(8)=3 because 23=8 30 is a multiple of 5 To get from 3454−744 to 3454−745, you add 1 To get from 511 to 512, you add 1 5 is a factor of 30 Save answer Score: 0/5 Feedback for . Hide feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Advice See 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 in the handbook for background facts and examples. Score: 0/5 Total 0/5 Move to the next questionTry another question like this oneReveal answers