\( \begingroup \)Question 1 a) The molecular weight of $\mathrm{CaCl_2.2H_2O}$ is Expected answer: g/mol (round each atomic weight to the nearest whole number for this exercise). The atomic mass of Ca is 40, the atomic mass of Cl is 35, the atomic mass of H is 1 and the atomic mass of O is 16. Therefore, the molecular mass of $\mathrm{CaCl_2.2H_2O}$ is $40+2\times 35 +2\times(2\times 1+16)=146$. Answer saved Not marked Feedback for . Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. What do you want to do next? ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Show stepsHide steps(You will lose 1 mark.) Save answer Score: 0/1 Feedback for a). Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here.b) How many moles of $\mathrm{CaCl_2.2H_2O}$ are present in 292 g of $\mathrm{CaCl_2.2H_2O}$? Expected answer: moles The number of moles is the weight of the compound in grams/mol divided by the molecular mass of the compound in grams. In particular, the number of moles in 292 g of $\mathrm{CaCl_2.2H_2O}$ is calculated as follows: $\dfrac{\text{mass of compound (g)}}{\text{molecular mass (g/mol)}}$ $=$ $\dfrac{\var{grams} \text{g}}{\var{chem[2]} \text{g/mol}}$ $=$ $\var{mult}$ mol Answer saved Not marked Feedback for . Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. What do you want to do next? ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Show stepsHide steps(You will lose 1 mark.) Save answer Score: 0/1 Feedback for b). Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Advice \( \endgroup \) Score: 0/2 Total 0/2 Move to the next questionTry another question like this oneReveal answers