Question 1 Find the Standard Deviation Find the standard deviation of the following list of numbers [ 8, 21, 12, 23, 24, 1, 22, 16 ]. Give your answer correct to one decimal place. Standard deviation = √Σ(x−mean)2n To find the standard deviation, first find the mean of the list of numbers. What is the mean? Now, subtract the mean individually from each of the numbers given and square the result. Now add up these results. This is the 'Σ(x−mean)2' part in the formula.Divide by n where n is the number of values. Finally, find the square root. Answer saved Not marked Feedback for . Show feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. What do you want to do next? ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Show stepsHide steps(You will lose 1 mark.) Answer: Round your answer to 1 decimal place.Expected answer: Save answer Score: 0/5 Feedback for . Hide feedback.The feedback has changed.This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Save your changed answer to get updated feedback. Or, you could: ⤺ Go back to the previous part There's nothing more to do from here. Advice Standard deviation = √Σ(x−mean)2n What is the mean? Add up the numbers and divide by the number of numbers getting an answer of 15.875. Now, subtract the mean individually from each of the numbers given and square the result. Now add up these results. This is the 'Σ(x−mean)2' part in the formula.Divide by 8 the number of values. This gives an answer of 59.859375. Finally, find the square root to get an answer of 7.7368840627. Score: 0/5 Total 0/5 Move to the next questionTry another question like this oneReveal answers