Explore public projects

61 public projects, ordered by number of items. Or order by name instead.

  1. CHY1205

    CHY1205: Introductory Physical Chemistry (18/19)

  2. Picture of Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics Content created by Newcastle University

    This project contains copies of questions created for Newcastle University's courses, mainly the Mathematics and Statistics degree.

  3. Picture of Ben Brawn Coordinate Geometry

    3 questions and 0 exams Default licence: CC BY-NC-SA Owner: Ben Brawn
  4. Core Foundation Maths

    Numbas weekly portfolio and practice.

  5. Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect Demos

    Exams and questions created when giving demos of Numbas.

    • Picture of Chris Graham
    103 questions and 25 exams Default licence: CC BY Owner: Christian Lawson-Perfect