// Numbas version: finer_feedback_settings {"name": "Quantifiers 3", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["all", "marks"], "name": "Quantifiers 3", "tags": ["logic", "quantifiers", "statements"], "preamble": {"css": "", "js": ""}, "advice": "
In the following we use the rules for negating a proposition involving predicates and quantifiers as given in the lectures.
\n1. The sentence:
\ncan be written in predicate form with quantifiers as:
\nThe negation of the sentence can be written as:
\nThe predicate form with quantifiers for this is:
2. The sentence:
\ncan be written in predicate form with quantifiers as:
\nThe negation of the sentence can be written as:
\nThe predicate form with quantifiers for this is:
\n\n3. The sentence:
\ncan be written in predicate form with quantifiers as:
\nThe negation of the sentence can be written as:
\nThe predicate form with quantifiers for this is:
4. The sentence:
\ncan be written in predicate form with quantifiers as:
\nThe negation of the sentence can be written as:
\nThe predicate form with quantifiers for this is:
\nSimilarly for Parts b) and c).
\n", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"stepsPenalty": "1", "maxAnswers": "4", "prompt": "
If you want some help in answering this question click on Show steps. You will lose a mark as one of the questions is answered for you.
", "matrix": "marks", "shuffleAnswers": false, "minAnswers": "4", "variableReplacements": [], "answers": ["{all[select[0]][1]}", "{all[select[1]][1]}", "{all[select[2]][1]}", "{all[select[3]][1]}"], "choices": ["{all[select[0]][0]}", "{all[select[1]][0]}", "{all[select[2]][0]}", "{all[select[3]][0]}"], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "displayType": "radiogroup", "maxMarks": 0, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "warningType": "warn", "steps": [{"prompt": "Consider the proposition:
\nThere is someone whose name is not known to the rest of the group.
\nUsing the predicate $P(m,n)$ we can express this as:
\n$\\exists m \\forall n (\\neg P(n,m))$.
\nIf we negate the proposition then we obtain on using the rules of negating such propositions:
\n$\\forall m \\exists n (P(n,m))$.
\nThis corresponds to the English sentence (not asked for in this question):
\nEveryone's name is known by somebody else.
", "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "type": "information"}], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "type": "m_n_x", "shuffleChoices": true, "minMarks": 0, "layout": {"expression": "", "type": "all"}}, {"maxAnswers": "4", "variableReplacements": [], "layout": {"expression": "", "type": "all"}, "matrix": "marks", "shuffleAnswers": false, "minAnswers": "4", "shuffleChoices": true, "answers": ["{all[select1[0]][1]}", "{all[select1[1]][1]}", "{all[select1[2]][1]}", "{all[select1[3]][1]}"], "choices": ["{all[select1[0]][0]}", "{all[select1[1]][0]}", "{all[select1[2]][0]}", "{all[select1[3]][0]}"], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "displayType": "radiogroup", "maxMarks": 0, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "warningType": "warn", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "type": "m_n_x", "minMarks": 0}, {"maxAnswers": "4", "variableReplacements": [], "layout": {"expression": "", "type": "all"}, "matrix": "marks", "shuffleAnswers": false, "minAnswers": "4", "shuffleChoices": true, "answers": ["{all[select2[0]][1]}", "{all[select2[1]][1]}", "{all[select2[2]][1]}", "{all[select2[3]][1]}"], "choices": ["{all[select2[0]][0]}", "{all[select2[1]][0]}", "{all[select2[2]][0]}", "{all[select2[3]][0]}"], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "displayType": "radiogroup", "maxMarks": 0, "scripts": {}, "marks": 0, "warningType": "warn", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "type": "m_n_x", "minMarks": 0}], "statement": "In a seminar group we let $P(m,n)$ for group members $m$ and $n$ to be the predicate m knows the name of n .
\nNegate each of the following English sentence and choose the corresponding expression for the negated proposition involving quantifiers.
\nNote that you will lose one mark for every incorrect choice. However, the minimum mark is $0$.
", "variable_groups": [{"variables": ["select"], "name": "Part 0"}, {"variables": ["select1"], "name": "Part 1"}, {"variables": ["select2"], "name": "Part 2"}], "variablesTest": {"maxRuns": 100, "condition": ""}, "variables": {"all": {"definition": "[['There is someone whose name is not known to the rest of the group.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\exists n (P(n,m))$',\n 'Everybody\\'s name is known by at least one other person.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n (\\\\neg P(n,m))$'],\n ['Every group member doesn\\'t know the name of at least one other.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n ( P(m,n))$',\n 'Somebody knows the name of everybody.',\n ' $\\\\forall m \\\\exists n (\\\\neg P(m,n))$'],\n ['Nobody knows the name of anybody else.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\exists n (P(m,n))$',\n 'At least one person knows the name of another.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\forall n (\\\\neg P(m,n))$'],\n ['There is a pair of group members who do not know each other\\'s name.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\forall n (P(m,n) \\\\lor P(n,m))$',\n 'Given any pair of members, then at least one of them knows the name of the other.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\exists n (\\\\neg P(m,n) \\\\land \\\\neg P(n,m)$'],\n ['There is someone who knows everyone\\'s name.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\exists n (\\\\neg P(m,n))$',\n 'Everybody doesn\\'t know the name of at least one other.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n (P(m,n))$'],\n ['There is at least one person who knows the name of somebody else.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\forall n ( \\\\neg P(n,m))$',\n 'Nobody knows the name of anyone else.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\exists n (P(n,m))$'],\n ['There is someone who doesn\\'t know the name of at least one other group member.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\forall n (P(n,m))$',\n 'Everybody knows everybody else\\'s names.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\exists n (\\\\neg P(n,m))$'],\n ['Someone\\'s name is known to everyone else.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\exists n ( \\\\neg P(n,m))$',\n 'Everybody\\'s name is not known by at least one other person.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n ( P(n,m))$'],\n ['There is at least one person who does not know the name of anybody else.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\exists n ( P(m,n))$',\n 'Everybody knows the name of at least one other.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n (\\\\neg P(m,n))$'],\n ['Everybody knows at least one other person\\'s name.',\n '$\\\\exists m \\\\forall n (\\\\neg P(m,n))$',\n 'There is somebody who does not know anyone else\\'s name.',\n '$\\\\forall m \\\\exists n (P(m,n))$'],\n ['Any member of the group has at least one person who doesn\\'t know their name.',\n '$\\\\exists n \\\\forall m (P(m,n))$',\n 'There is someone whose name is known by everyone.',\n '$\\\\forall n \\\\exists m (\\\\neg P(m,n))$'],\n ['There are at least two people who know each other\\'s name.',\n '$\\\\forall n \\\\forall m (\\\\neg P(n,m) \\\\lor \\\\neg P(m,n))$',\n 'For any two people in the group at least one doesn\\'t know the name of the other.',\n '$\\\\exists n \\\\exists m (P(n,m) \\\\land P(m,n))$']\n \n ]", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "all", "description": ""}, "select": {"definition": "shuffle(list(0..length(all)-1))[0..4]", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part 0", "name": "select", "description": ""}, "select2": {"definition": "list(set(0..length(all)-1)-(set(select) or set(select1)))", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part 2", "name": "select2", "description": ""}, "select1": {"definition": "list(set(0..length(all)-1)-set(select))[0..4]", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Part 1", "name": "select1", "description": ""}, "marks": {"definition": "list(2*id(4)-matrix(repeat(repeat(1,4),4)))", "templateType": "anything", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "marks", "description": ""}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "English sentences which are propositions are given and the appropriate logical expression chosen for the negation of the sentence.
", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "type": "question", "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}], "contributors": [{"name": "Bill Foster", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/6/"}]}]}], "contributors": [{"name": "Bill Foster", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/6/"}]}