// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Integration: Solving Separable Differential Equations - Population Growth", "extensions": ["stats", "geogebra", "random_person", "chemistry", "programming"], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"name": "Integration: Solving Separable Differential Equations - Population Growth", "tags": [], "metadata": {"description": "

Solving a separable differential equation that describes the population growth over time with a known initial condition to calculate the population after $n$ years. 

", "licence": "None specified"}, "statement": "

A population of $N$ individuals grows over time, $t$ years, according to the equation:
$\\frac{\\mathrm{d}N}{\\mathrm{d}t}=\\left(\\var{a}+ e^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}\\right)N $


At time $t=0$, the population contains $\\var{N}$ individuals.

", "advice": "

To calculate the population $\\var{N}$ years later, we need an expression for how the population, $N$, changes in terms of time, $t$. This is given by the differential equation,


\\[ \\frac{dN}{dt}=\\left(\\var{a}+ e^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}\\right)N \\]


which we can solve using separation of variables.


First, we need to separate the variables between the two sides:


\\[ \\frac{1}{N}dN=\\left( \\var{a}+e^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}\\right)dt \\]


Now, we integrate both sides:


\\[ \\begin{split} \\int\\frac{1}{N}dN &=\\int\\left( \\var{a}+e^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}\\right)dt \\\\ \\ln{N} &= \\simplify{{a}*t}+\\left(-\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}\\right)+c \\\\ \\ln{N} &= \\simplify{{a}*t}-\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{\\simplify{-{b}t}}+c \\end{split} \\]


To find the value of $c$, we can use the fact that when $t=0$, $N=\\var{N}$. By substituting in the values in the equation we get:


\\[ \\begin{split} \\ln(\\var{N}) &= \\var{a} \\times 0-\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{-\\simplify{{b}* 0}}+c \\\\ \\ln(\\var{N}) &= -\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{0}+c \\\\ \\ln(\\var{N}) &= -\\simplify{1/{b}* 1}+c \\\\ \\ln(\\var{N}) &= -\\simplify{1/{b}}+c \\\\ c&=\\simplify{ ln{{N}}+1/{b}}\\end{split} \\]


Therefore $c=\\simplify{ln{{N}}+1/{b}}=\\var{c}$. So, 


\\[ \\begin{split} \\ln({N}) &= \\simplify{{a}*t}-\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{-\\simplify{{b}*t}}+\\simplify{ln{{N}}+1/{b}} \\end{split} \\]


Taking the exponential of both sides:


\\[ \\begin{split} N &= e^{\\simplify{{a}*t}-\\simplify{1/{b}e}^{-\\simplify{{b}*t}}+\\simplify{ln{{N}}+1/{b}}} \\end{split} \\]


We can now substitute $t=\\var{t0}$ to calculate the population:


\\[ \\begin{split} N &= e^{\\var{a} \\times \\var{t0}-\\simplify{1/{b}*e}^{-\\var{b} \\times \\var{t0}}+\\simplify{ln{{N}}+1/{b}}} \\\\ N&=\\var{step3} \\end{split} \\]


Thus, the population $\\var{t0}$ years later will be $\\var{ans}$ individuals.

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How many individuals are in the population $\\var{t0}$ years later?


The population is [[0]] individuals.


If needed, round your answer to the nearest integer. 

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