// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Solving Equations with Indices: Geoscience level (moderate)", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"functions": {}, "ungrouped_variables": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "a2", "b2", "a3", "b3", "a4", "b4", "c4", "a5", "b5", "c5", "d5", "e5", "a6", "b6", "c6", "d6", "e6", "f6", "g6", "h6"], "name": "Solving Equations with Indices: Geoscience level (moderate)", "tags": [], "advice": "

The idea here is to get all powers of x on one side of the equation, and all numbers on the other. Then, raise each side of the equation to an appropriate power, so that the value of x becomes clear.


It may be useful to refamiliarise yourself with the laws of indices:


$x^a \\times x^b = x^{a+b}$


$x^a \\div x^b = x^{a-b}$


$x^{-a} = \\frac{1}{x^a}$


$(x^a)^b = x^{ab}$


$(\\frac{x}{y})^a = \\frac{x^a}{y^a}$


$x^\\frac{a}{b} = (\\sqrt[b]{x})^a$


$x^0 = 1$

", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "

$\\var{a}x^{\\var{c}} = \\var{d}$

", "allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{b}", "minValue": "{b}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$\\var{d1}x^{\\var{c1}} = \\var{a1}$

", "allowFractions": true, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "1/{b1}", "minValue": "1/{b1}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": true, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$x^3 + \\var{b2} = 0$

", "allowFractions": false, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "-{a2}", "minValue": "-{a2}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": false, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "


", "allowFractions": true, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "{a3}/{b3}", "minValue": "{a3}/{b3}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": true, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}, {"prompt": "

$x^{\\var{a4}}= \\var{c4}$

", "allowFractions": true, "variableReplacements": [], "maxValue": "1/{b4}", "minValue": "1/{b4}", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "correctAnswerFraction": true, "showCorrectAnswer": true, "scripts": {}, "marks": 1, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "extensions": [], "statement": "

Solve each of the following equations for x.


Hint: Remember to do the same operation to both sides of the equation to keep it equivalent, with the idea being to get all powers of x on one side of the equation, and all numbers on the other. Then, raise each side of the equation to an appropriate power, so that the value of x becomes clear.


Express answers either as an integer or as a fraction, and put the answer in the box. 

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