// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Modular Arithmetic: Extended Euclidean Algorithm", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"name": "Modular Arithmetic: Extended Euclidean Algorithm", "tags": [], "metadata": {"description": "

Full worked solution using the Extended Euclidian Algorithm

", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International"}, "statement": "

The general method for solving an equation of the form $ax \\equiv c \\pmod{b}$ is called the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, which is procedure for finding $\\gcd(a,b)$ along with the integers $x,y$ such that


$ax + by = \\gcd(a,b).$

", "advice": "

This question shows the full Extended Euclidean Algorithm.


Part (a) shows a shortcut to determine if there are no solutions to a given equation. $\\var{a}x\\pmod{\\var{2*a}}$ can only be equal to a mutliple of $\\gcd(\\var{a},\\var{2*a}) = \\var{a}$, and the multiples in modulo $\\var{2a}$ are $0$ and $\\var{a}$.


So $\\var{a}x  \\mod{\\var{2*a}} \\neq 1$ because $1$ is not a multiple of $\\var{a}$.


Part (b) shows the full working for the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.

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r2 is the gcd

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Remember that $ax \\mod{b}$ will always a multiple of the $\\gcd(a,b)$.


So it's possible to tell straight away that there are no solutions to the equation $\\var{a}x \\equiv 1 \\pmod{\\var{2a}}$, because $1$ is not a multiple of $\\gcd(\\var{a},\\var{2a}) = $ [[0]].

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The Extended Euclidean Algorithm can be used to solve $\\var{a}x\\equiv \\var{r2} \\pmod{\\var{b}}$ by reducing the problem via modular arithmetic. This is a similar method to the previous question, except this time we keep track of the quotients:

$\\var{a} = $$\\var{b}q_0 + \\var{r0}$where $q_0 = $ [[0]]
$\\var{b} = $$\\var{r0}q_1 + \\var{r1}$where $q_1 = $ [[1]]
$\\var{r0} = $$\\var{r1}q_2 + \\var{r2}$where $q_2 = $ [[2]]
$\\var{r1} = $$\\var{r2}\\times\\var{q3} + 0$.

Stop when you see a remainder of zero, because this means that the $\\gcd(\\var{a},\\var{b}) = \\gcd(\\var{r2},0) = \\var{r2}$. Treat the numbers as symbols (no simplification) and use back-substitution to eliminate the remainders $\\var{r1}$ and $\\var{r0}$. The result is an expression of the $\\gcd$ in the form $\\var{a}x + \\var{b}y$.

$\\var{r2}$$ = \\var{r0} - \\var{r1} q_2$substitute $\\var{r1} = \\var{b} - \\var{r0}q_1$
$ = \\var{r0} - (\\var{b} - \\var{r0}q_1) q_2$collect like terms
$ = \\var{r0}(1+q_1q_2) - \\var{b}q_2$substitute $\\var{r0} = \\var{a} -\\var{b}q_0 $
$ = (\\var{a} -\\var{b}q_0)(1+q_1q_2) - \\var{b}q_2$collect like terms
$ = \\var{a}(1+q_1q_2) - \\var{b}(q_2+q_0(1+q_1q_2))$

Now, using the values of the quotients $q_0,q_1,q_2$ you computed earlier, this means:


$\\var{r2} = \\var{a}\\times\\var{1+q1*q2} - \\var{b}\\times\\var{q2+q0*(1+q1*q2)}$.


So the solution to $\\var{a}x\\equiv \\var{r2} \\pmod{\\var{b}}$ is $x = $ [[3]]

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