// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Numerical reasoning - price markup", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"functions": {}, "name": "Numerical reasoning - price markup", "tags": ["maths-aid", "money", "numerical reasoning", "percentage", "price", "profit"], "advice": "

In order to realise a profit of {profit}%, the selling price of the item must be {100+profit}% of the cost of production.


This price is $\\frac{\\var{100+profit}}{100} \\times \\var{produce} = £\\var{sell}.$


When rounding this to the nearest penny, a decision has to be made whether the price is £{floor(sell*100)/100} or £{ceil(sell*100)/100}. Usually, if the next digit after the one being rounded is {if(fract(sell*100)<0.5,'less than 5 then we round down','greater than or equal to 5 then we round up')}, so we take the price to be £{dpformat(sell,2)}.

", "rulesets": {}, "parts": [{"prompt": "

Give your answer to the nearest penny.


£ [[0]]

", "gaps": [{"precisiontype": "dp", "precisionmessage": "

You didn't give your answer to the nearest penny. Round your answer to two decimal places.

", "maxvalue": "precround(sell,2)+0.005", "minvalue": "precround(sell,2)-0.005", "precisionpartialcredit": 50.0, "precision": 2.0, "marks": 1.0, "type": "numberentry", "showPrecisionHint": false}], "type": "gapfill", "marks": 0.0}], "extensions": [], "statement": "

An item costs £{dpformat(produce,2)} to produce. How much should the manufacturer sell these items for if it wants to realise a profit of {profit}% on these items?

", "variable_groups": [], "progress": "ready", "type": "question", "variables": {"profit": {"definition": "random(5..35#10)", "name": "profit"}, "sell": {"definition": "produce*(1+profit/100)", "name": "sell"}, "produce": {"definition": "random(2..10)+random(0.25,0.75,0.50)", "name": "produce"}}, "metadata": {"notes": "", "description": "

Given the cost to produce an item and a desired markup, calculate the appropriate sale price.

", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "showQuestionGroupNames": false, "question_groups": [{"name": "", "pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "pickQuestions": 0, "questions": []}], "contributors": [{"name": "Christian Lawson-Perfect", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/7/"}]}]}], "contributors": [{"name": "Christian Lawson-Perfect", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/7/"}]}