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Rounding practice to given decimal places and significant figures.

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Round off $\\var{sig}$ to:


i)      2 decimal places   [[0]]


ii)     1 decimal place   [[1]]


iii)    3 significant figures      [[2]]


iv)    2 significant figures      [[3]]


v)     1 significant figure      [[4]]

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Round off $\\var{dec}$ to:


i)      4 decimal places   [[0]]


ii)     5 decimal places   [[1]]


iii)    3 significant figures     [[2]]


iv)    2 significant figures      [[3]]


v)     1 significant figure      [[4]]

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When rounding to a given number of decimal places


When rounding to a given number of decimal places, do the following:


Look at the next number after the last number of the decimal places you need to round to.


If the number is 5 or greater, round up, if it is than 5, leave as is.


For example, round the following to 3 decimal places...


$0.0055 = 0.006$


$0.0071 = 0.007$



When rounding to a given number of significant figures


When rounding to a given number of significant figures, do the following:


Look at the next number after the last number of the significant figures you need to round to.


If the number is 5 or greater, round up, if it is than 5, leave as is.


Remember to keep the number you rounded to the significant number of places in the same unit e.g. 10's, 100's etc



For example: rounding the following to 3 significant figures...


$2573 = 2570$


$7828 = 7830$


or the following to 1 significant figure...


$15 = 20$


$38851 = 40000$


$0.000918 = 0.0009$

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Evaluate each of the following without using a calculator:

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