// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Trigonometry equations: Solve asinx + bcosx = c", "extensions": ["stats", "jsxgraph", "permutations", "geogebra", "random_person", "codewords", "polynomials", "chemistry", "quantities"], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"preamble": {"js": "", "css": ""}, "parts": [{"useCustomName": false, "prompt": "

Write $\\simplify{ {a} sin theta + {b}cos theta}$ in the form $\\ r \\sin(\\theta+ \\alpha)$



Write $r$ and $\\alpha$ correct to 3 d.p.

", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "variableReplacements": [], "scripts": {}, "answer": "{precround(r,3)}sin(theta+{precround(alpha,3)})", "checkingType": "absdiff", "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "checkingAccuracy": "0.002", "unitTests": [], "customName": "", "valuegenerators": [{"value": "", "name": "theta"}], "marks": "2", "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "notallowed": {"strings": ["cos"], "message": "", "showStrings": false, "partialCredit": 0}, "vsetRangePoints": 5, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "musthave": {"strings": ["sin", "(", ")", "theta"], "message": "", "showStrings": false, "partialCredit": 0}, "vsetRange": [0, 1], "checkVariableNames": false, "failureRate": 1, "type": "jme", "showPreview": true}, {"useCustomName": false, "prompt": "

Hence solve $\\simplify{{a}sin theta +{b}cos theta={c}}$. 


First find the smallest value of $\\theta$ such that $\\ 0\\leq\\theta<2\\pi$.




Now find the largest value of $\\theta$ such that $\\ 0\\leq\\theta<2\\pi$.



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Compare $\\simplify{ {a}sin theta + {b}cos theta}$ with the identity $\\ r \\sin(\\theta+ \\alpha) \\equiv r \\sin \\theta \\cos \\alpha + r \\cos \\theta \\sin \\alpha$


Hence $ \\var{a} = r \\cos \\alpha $


and $ \\var{b} = r \\sin \\alpha $


So $ r^2 = \\var{abs(a)}^2 + \\var{abs(b)}^2$


$r = \\sqrt{\\var{abs(a)}^2 + \\var{abs(b)}^2} = \\var{precround(abs(r),3)}$


Calculate $ \\tan^{-1} ({\\var{abs(b)}/\\var{abs(a)}}) = \\var{precround({alphatemp},3)} $


So our possible values of $\\alpha$ are:


$\\var{precround(alphatemp,3)}$       ,       $\\pi-\\var{precround(alphatemp,3)}=\\var{precround(pi-alphatemp,3)}$       ,       $\\pi+\\var{precround(alphatemp,3)}=\\var{precround(pi+alphatemp,3)}$       ,       $2\\pi-\\var{precround(alphatemp,3)}=\\var{precround(2pi-alphatemp,3)}$



Since $ r\\cos\\alpha =\\var{a} \\var{asign} 0$ and $ r \\sin \\alpha =  \\var{b} \\var{bsign} 0$ we choose $\\alpha = \\var{precround(switch(a<0 and b<0,pi+{alphatemp},b<0,2pi-{alphatemp},a<0,pi-{alphatemp},{alphatemp}),3)}$ to be in the correct quadrant.


Hence $\\simplify{ {a} sin theta + {b} cos theta} \\equiv \\var{precround(r,3)} \\sin (\\simplify{theta +{precround(alpha,3)}})$





We now have $\\var{precround(r,3)} \\sin (\\simplify{theta +{precround(alpha,3)}}) = \\var{c} $


So  $ \\sin (\\simplify{theta +{precround(alpha,3)}}) = \\var{c} / \\var{precround(r,3)} = \\var{precround(c/r,3)} $


We obtain 2 solutions:  $\\simplify{theta  +{precround(alpha,3)}}=  \\sin^{-1}(\\var{precround(c/r,3)}) = \\var{precround(arcsin(c/r),3)}$    or    $\\simplify{theta +{precround(alpha,3)}}=  \\pi - \\var{precround(arcsin(c/r),3)} = \\var{precround(pi - arcsin(c/r),3)}$


Hence $\\ \\theta =  \\var{precround(arcsin(c/r),3)} - \\var{precround(alpha,3)} = \\var{precround(thetatemp1,3)} $     or     $\\ \\theta =  \\var{precround(pi - arcsin(c/r),3)} - \\var{precround(alpha,3)} = \\var{precround(thetatemp2,3)} $



Remember we require solutions such that $\\ 0\\leq\\theta<2\\pi$. Since sin is periodic with period $2 \\pi$ we can add or subtract $2 \\pi$ to our answers if necessary to obtain final answers of


$\\ \\theta = \\var{precround(theta1,3)}$   or   $\\var{precround(theta2,3)}$

", "functions": {}, "variables": {"alphaold": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "alphaold", "definition": "arctan(b/a)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "theta2": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "theta2", "definition": "mod(thetatemp2,2pi)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "alphaexplain": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "alphaexplain", "definition": "switch(a<0 and b<0,-pi+alphatemp,b<0,-alphatemp,a<0,pi-alphatemp,alphatemp)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "rold": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "rold", "definition": "{a}/cos({alpha})", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "a": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "a", "definition": "random(-9..9 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "thetatemp1": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "thetatemp1", "definition": "arcsin({c}/{r})-{alpha}", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "r": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "r", "definition": "sqrt({a}^2+{b}^2)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "asign": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "asign", "definition": "if(a>0,\" > \",\" < \")", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "bsign": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "bsign", "definition": "if(b>0,\" > \",\" < \")", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "theta1": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "theta1", "definition": "mod(thetatemp1,2pi)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "b": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "b", "definition": "random(-9..9 except 0 except a)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "alpha": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "alpha", "definition": "switch(a<0 and b<0,pi+alphatemp,b<0,2pi-alphatemp,a<0,pi-alphatemp,alphatemp)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "thetatemp2": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "thetatemp2", "definition": "pi-arcsin({c}/{r})-{alpha}", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "alphatemp": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "alphatemp", "definition": "arctan(abs({b}/{a}))", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}, "c": {"group": "Ungrouped variables", "name": "c", "definition": "random(-9..9 except 0)", "templateType": "anything", "description": ""}}, "tags": [], "variablesTest": {"condition": "c^2