// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "Mean, SD, median and IQR", "extensions": ["stats"], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"statement": "

Find the mean, SD, median and IQR for the following sample of $\\var{n}$ data values:


", "name": "Mean, SD, median and IQR", "advice": "

Sample mean: The sample mean is $\\frac{\\var{sum(r0)}}{\\var{len(r0)}} = \\var{precround(mean(r0),1)}$ to 1 decimal place.


Sample standard deviation: The sample standard deviation is $\\var{stdev(r0,true)}=\\var{siground(stdev(r0,true),3)}$ to 3 significant figures.


If you order the data in increasing order you get the following table:


Denote the ordered data by $x_j$, thus $x_{10}=\\var{r1[9]}$ for example.


Median: The median lies between the 12th and 13th entries in the ordered table and is given by:


\\[0.5\\times x_{12}+0.5\\times x_{13} = 0.5\\times\\var{r1[11]}+0.5\\times \\var{r1[12]}=\\var{median}\\]


Interquartile range: As there is an even number of values, the Lower Quartile will lie between two values. Its position is calculated by finding




Hence the Lower Quartile lies between the 6th and 7th entries in the ordered table.


It is \\[0.75\\times x_6+0.25\\times x_7 = 0.75\\times\\var{r1[5]}+0.25\\times \\var{r1[6]}=\\var{lquartile}\\]


Once again as there is an even number of values, the Upper Quartile will lie between two values and its position is calculated by finding




Hence the Upper Quartile lies between the 18th and 19th entries in the ordered table.


We find it is \\[0.25\\times x_{18}+0.75\\times x_{19} = 0.25\\times\\var{r1[17]}+0.75\\times \\var{r1[18]}=\\var{uquartile}\\]


The interquartile range is defined to be


\\[ \\text{Upper Quartile} – \\text{Lower Quartile} \\]


and so in this case we have:


\\[ \\text{Interquartile range} = \\var{uquartile}-\\var{lquartile}=\\var{interq} \\]

", "ungrouped_variables": ["uquartile", "r0", "description", "things", "median", "interq", "whatever", "l", "var", "lquartile", "u", "mean", "stdev", "units", "n", "r1"], "extensions": ["stats"], "variable_groups": [], "metadata": {"licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "description": "

Find mean, SD, median and IQR for a sample.

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Mean (1 dp)SD (3 sf)Median (exact value)IQR (exact value)
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