// Numbas version: exam_results_page_options {"name": "problema 3 - tema 3 - clase 4", "extensions": [], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"name": "problema 3 - tema 3 - clase 4", "tags": [], "metadata": {"description": "", "licence": "All rights reserved"}, "statement": "

Sea un sólido elástico, lineal e isótropo de módulo elástico E=1000 Pa y coeficiente de Poisson $\\nu=1/4$. En un punto determinado del mismo se conocen los siguientes datos:


Utiliza maple para imponer las ecuaciones que te darán las componentes del tensor de tensiones y el resto de preguntas. Cuando hayas respondido revisa en moodle que se te ha subido la nota correcta. Si el sistema hubiese subido un 0, haz de nuevo el ejercicio (simplemente cambia en maple los nuevos datos del problema y ejecuta los comandos).

", "advice": "", "rulesets": {}, "extensions": [], "variables": {"sigma_1": {"name": "sigma_1", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "random(-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_2": {"name": "sigma_2", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "random(-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_3": {"name": "sigma_3", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "(1/4)*(sigma_1+sigma_2)", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigmam": {"name": "sigmam", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "(sigma_1 + sigma_2 + sigma_3)/3", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "uvol": {"name": "uvol", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/7680*(sigma_1 + sigma_2)^2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_11": {"name": "sigma_11", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/4*sigma_1 + 3/4*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_12": {"name": "sigma_12", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/4*sqrt(3)*sigma_1 - 1/4*sqrt(3)*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_22": {"name": "sigma_22", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "3/4*sigma_1 + 1/4*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "sigma_33": {"name": "sigma_33", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "sigma_3", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_11": {"name": "epsilon_11", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/1600*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_12": {"name": "epsilon_12", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/3200*sqrt(3)*sigma_1 - 1/3200*sqrt(3)*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_22": {"name": "epsilon_22", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "1/1600*sigma_1", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_33": {"name": "epsilon_33", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "0", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_1": {"name": "epsilon_1", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "3/3200*sigma_1 - 1/3200*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}, "epsilon_2": {"name": "epsilon_2", "group": "Ungrouped variables", "definition": "-1/3200*sigma_1 + 3/3200*sigma_2", "description": "", "templateType": "anything"}}, "variablesTest": {"condition": "((sigma_1+sigma_2+sigma_3)>0)and(sigma_1>sigma_2)and(sigma_2>sigma_3)", "maxRuns": 100}, "ungrouped_variables": ["sigma_1", "sigma_2", "sigma_3", "sigmam", "uvol", "sigma_11", "sigma_12", "sigma_22", "sigma_33", "epsilon_11", "epsilon_12", "epsilon_22", "epsilon_33", "epsilon_1", "epsilon_2"], "variable_groups": [], "functions": {}, "preamble": {"js": "", "css": ""}, "parts": [{"type": "matrix", "useCustomName": true, "customName": "Cuesti\u00f3n 1.", "marks": "5", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "scripts": {}, "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "adaptiveMarkingPenalty": 0, "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "unitTests": [], "prompt": "

Obtener las componentes del tensor de tensiones $\\mathbf{\\sigma}$ (responde redondeando a 1 decimal)

", "correctAnswer": "matrix([[sigma_11,sigma_12,0],[sigma_12,sigma_22,0],[0,0,sigma_33]])", "correctAnswerFractions": false, "numRows": "3", "numColumns": "3", "allowResize": false, "tolerance": 0, "markPerCell": false, "allowFractions": false, "precisionType": "dp", "precision": "1", "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "strictPrecision": false}, {"type": "matrix", "useCustomName": true, "customName": "Cuesti\u00f3n 2.", "marks": "4", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "scripts": {}, "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "adaptiveMarkingPenalty": 0, "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "unitTests": [], "prompt": "

Obtener el valor de las tensiones principales (ordénalas de mayor a menor al introducir el resultado) (responde redondeando a 1 decimal)

", "correctAnswer": "matrix([[sigma_1,sigma_2,sigma_3]])", "correctAnswerFractions": false, "numRows": 1, "numColumns": "3", "allowResize": false, "tolerance": 0, "markPerCell": false, "allowFractions": false, "precisionType": "dp", "precision": "1", "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "strictPrecision": false}, {"type": "matrix", "useCustomName": true, "customName": "Cuesti\u00f3n 3.", "marks": "3", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "scripts": {}, "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "adaptiveMarkingPenalty": 0, "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "unitTests": [], "prompt": "

Obtener las componentes del tensor de deformaciones $\\mathbf{\\varepsilon}$ (responde redondeando a 4 decimales)

", "correctAnswer": "matrix([[epsilon_11,epsilon_12,0],[epsilon_12,epsilon_22,0],[0,0,0]])", "correctAnswerFractions": false, "numRows": "3", "numColumns": "3", "allowResize": false, "tolerance": 0, "markPerCell": false, "allowFractions": false, "precisionType": "dp", "precision": "4", "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "strictPrecision": false}, {"type": "matrix", "useCustomName": true, "customName": "Cuesti\u00f3n 4", "marks": "3", "showCorrectAnswer": true, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "scripts": {}, "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "adaptiveMarkingPenalty": 0, "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "unitTests": [], "prompt": "

Obtener el valor de las deformaciones principales (ordénalas de mayor a menor) (responde redondeando a 4 decimales)

", "correctAnswer": "matrix([[epsilon_1,epsilon_2,0]])", "correctAnswerFractions": false, "numRows": 1, "numColumns": "3", "allowResize": false, "tolerance": 0, "markPerCell": false, "allowFractions": false, "precisionType": "dp", "precision": "4", "precisionPartialCredit": 0, "precisionMessage": "You have not given your answer to the correct precision.", "strictPrecision": false}], "contributors": [{"name": "Sergio Blanco", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/2217/"}]}]}], "contributors": [{"name": "Sergio Blanco", "profile_url": "https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/accounts/profile/2217/"}]}