// Numbas version: finer_feedback_settings {"name": "Right angled triangles: SOHCAHTOA 3 - random side or angle", "extensions": ["eukleides"], "custom_part_types": [], "resources": [["question-resources/Picture1_caMIdF1.png", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/Picture1_caMIdF1.png"], ["question-resources/Picture2_6KE4ZpW.png", "/srv/numbas/media/question-resources/Picture2_6KE4ZpW.png"]], "navigation": {"allowregen": true, "showfrontpage": false, "preventleave": false, "typeendtoleave": false}, "question_groups": [{"pickingStrategy": "all-ordered", "questions": [{"name": "Right angled triangles: SOHCAHTOA 3 - random side or angle", "tags": [], "metadata": {"description": "
Draws a triangle based on 3 side lengths. Randomises asking angle or side.
", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}, "statement": "{max_height(25,diagram)}
", "advice": "Avoid using rounded values in calculations and just round for the final answer.
In this situation $x$ is an angle. We label the known sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we are interested in:
\\n$Opposite = \\\\var{bc}$
$Hyptonuse = \\\\var{ab}$
We have \\'O\\' and \\'H\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $sin$ formula:
\\\\[ sin(Angle) = \\\\frac{Opposite}{Hypotenuse}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ sin(x) = \\\\frac{\\\\var{bc}}{\\\\var{ab}}\\\\]
We need to use the \\'inverse sin\\' button on the calculator (also called $arcsin$ or notated $sin^{-1}$) in order to isolate $x$:
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = arcsin(\\\\var{bc}/\\\\var{ab})\\\\]
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arcsin(bc/(ab)))/pi,4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arcsin(bc/(ab)))/pi,2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}, "cos_a": {"name": "cos_a", "group": "advice", "definition": "\"In this situation $x$ is an angle. We label the known sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we are interested in:
\\n$Adjacent = \\\\var{ac}$
$Hyptonuse = \\\\var{ab}$
We have \\'A\\' and \\'H\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $cos$ formula:
\\\\[ cos(Angle) = \\\\frac{Adjacent}{Hypotenuse}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ cos(x) = \\\\frac{\\\\var{ac}}{\\\\var{ab}}\\\\]
We need to use the \\'inverse cos\\' button on the calculator (also called $arccos$ or notated $cos^{-1}$) in order to isolate $x$:
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = arccos(\\\\var{ac}/\\\\var{ab})\\\\]
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arccos(ac/(ab)))/pi,4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arccos(ac/(ab)))/pi,2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}, "tan_a": {"name": "tan_a", "group": "advice", "definition": "\"In this situation $x$ is an angle. We label the known sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we are interested in:
\\n$Opposite = \\\\var{bc}$
$Adjacent = \\\\var{ac}$
We have \\'O\\' and \\'A\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $tan$ formula:
\\\\[ tan(Angle) = \\\\frac{Opposite}{Adjacent}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ tan(x) = \\\\frac{\\\\var{bc}}{\\\\var{ac}}\\\\]
We need to use the \\'inverse sin\\' button on the calculator (also called $arctan$ or notated $tan^{-1}$) in order to isolate $x$:
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = arctan(\\\\var{bc}/\\\\var{ac})\\\\]
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arctan(bc/(ac)))/pi,4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[x = \\\\var{precround(180*(arctan(bc/(ac)))/pi,2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}, "sin_bc": {"name": "sin_bc", "group": "advice", "definition": "\"In this situation $x$ is a side. We label the relevant sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we know:
\\n$Opposite = x$
$Hypotenuse = \\\\var{ab}$
We have \\'O\\' and \\'H\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $sin$ formula:
\\\\[ sin(Angle) = \\\\frac{Opposite}{Hypotenuse}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ sin(\\\\var{angle}) = \\\\frac{x}{\\\\var{ab}}\\\\]
and rearrange to give:
\\\\[ x = \\\\var{ab} \\\\times \\\\sin(\\\\var{angle}) \\\\]
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(ab*sin(pi*angle/180),4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(ab*sin(pi*angle/180),2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}, "cos_ac": {"name": "cos_ac", "group": "advice", "definition": "\"In this situation $x$ is a side. We label the relevant sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we know:
\\n$Hypotenuse = \\\\var{ab}$
$Adjacent = x$
We have \\'A\\' and \\'H\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $cos$ formula:
\\\\[ cos(Angle) = \\\\frac{Adjacent}{Hypotenuse}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ cos(\\\\var{angle}) = \\\\frac{x}{\\\\var{ab}}\\\\]
and rearrange to give:
\\\\[ x = \\\\var{ab} \\\\times \\\\cos(\\\\var{angle}) \\\\]
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(ab*cos(pi*angle/180),4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(ab*cos(pi*angle/180),2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}, "tan_ac": {"name": "tan_ac", "group": "advice", "definition": "\"In this situation $x$ is a side. We label the relevant sides of the triangle \\'opposite\\', \\'adjacent\\' and \\'hypothenuse\\' in relation to the angle we know:
\\n$Opposite = \\\\var{bc}$
$Adjacent = x$
We have \\'O\\' and \\'A\\' in SOHCAHTOA, so we know we need to use the $tan$ formula:
\\\\[ tan(Angle) = \\\\frac{Opposite}{Adjacent}\\\\]
\\nNow we subsitute the values we have in this particular question
\\n\\\\[ tan(\\\\var{angle}) = \\\\frac{\\\\var{bc}}{x}\\\\]
and rearrange to give:
\\\\[ x = \\\\frac{\\\\var{bc}}{tan(\\\\var{angle})} \\\\]
Make sure your calculator is set to \\'degree\\' mode, if you get an odd answer you are likely in the wrong mode!
\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(bc/tan(pi*angle/180),4)}\\\\]
\\nRound as required:
\\n\\\\[ x = \\\\var{precround(bc/tan(pi*angle/180),2)}\\\\]
\"", "description": "", "templateType": "long string", "can_override": false}}, "variablesTest": {"condition": "precround(180*(arcsin(bc/(ab)))/pi,1) = precround(angle,1)", "maxRuns": "6"}, "ungrouped_variables": [], "variable_groups": [{"name": "Unnamed group", "variables": ["ab", "ac", "bc", "diagram", "angle", "SCT", "AngORside", "answer"]}, {"name": "triangle types", "variables": ["d_t_a_2", "d_t_s_1", "d_s_a_1", "d_c_a_1", "d_c_s_1", "d_s_s_1", "d_c_s_2", "d_t_a_1", "d_t_s_2", "d_s_a_2", "d_s_s_2", "d_c_a_2"]}, {"name": "advice", "variables": ["advice", "tan_a", "sin_a", "cos_a", "sin_bc", "cos_ac", "tan_ac"]}], "functions": {}, "preamble": {"js": "", "css": ""}, "parts": [{"type": "numberentry", "useCustomName": false, "customName": "", "marks": 1, "scripts": {}, "customMarkingAlgorithm": "", "extendBaseMarkingAlgorithm": true, "unitTests": [], "showCorrectAnswer": true, "showFeedbackIcon": true, "variableReplacements": [], "variableReplacementStrategy": "originalfirst", "nextParts": [], "suggestGoingBack": false, "adaptiveMarkingPenalty": 0, "exploreObjective": null, "prompt": "Given a right angled triangle as shown calculate the value of x.
\nAngles are given in degrees (make sure you calculator is in the right mode)
Give your answer correct to 2 decimal place.