12 results authored by Owen Jepps - search across all users.
Question in 1010ENG/1201SCG Matrices
A a 3×3 matrix. Using row operations on the augmented matrix (A|I3) reduce to (I3|A−1).
Question in 1010ENG/1201SCG Matrices
A really simple question which asks the student to multiply two matrices.
Exam (8 questions) in Maths Boot Camp
9 questions: Expanding out expressions such (ax+b)(cx+d) etc.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Reducing fractions to their lowest form by cancelling common factors in the numerator and denominator. There are 4 questions.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Cancelling to reduce a fraction to its lowest terms.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Eight expressions, of increasing complexity. The student must simplify them by expanding brackets and collecting like terms.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
No description given
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Several quadratics are given and students are asked to complete the square.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Algebra: Quadratic Factorisation.
Coefficient of squared term is 1.
Question in Maths Boot Camp
A question to practice simplifying fractions with the use of factorisation (for binomial and quadratic expressions).
Question in Maths Boot Camp
Several quadratics are given and students are asked to complete the square.
Question in Owen's workspace
This question concerns the evaluation of the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix.