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  • Golden Gate Bridge

    Question by Don Shearman

    An application of quadratic functions based on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA. Student is given an equation representing the suspension cable of the bridge and asked to find the width between the towers and the minimum height of the cable above the roadway. Requires and understanding of the quadratic function and where and how to apply correct formulae.

  • Gladesville Bridge 2

    Question by Don Shearman

    This question is a variation on another version which asks the student to find the height of a bridge arch and width of the river given a formula for the arch of the bridge (also available in the Numbas database)

  • USSKL6-30-1 CC1b - Mechanics Written Assessment

    Exam (4 questions) by Robert Bauld

    SbE Mechanics Resit Written Assessment

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