17 results authored by Ed Southwood - search across all users.
Question in Ed's workspace
Calculating the derivative of a function of the form $\frac{(x-a)^2}{bx} + c$, finding its stationary points and determining their nature.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Given price, marginal cost and fixed cost, find the quantity that maximises profits.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the number of people with heights greater then mean plus two times the standard deviation.
Question in Ed's workspace
match different variables to either: 'nominal','ordinal','interval','ratio'
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
No description given
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
No description given
Exam (5 questions) in Ed's workspace
Solve simple two step linear equations with feedback.
Question in Ed's workspace
Construct a line through two points in a GeoGebra worksheet. Change the line by setting the positions of the two points when the worksheet is embedded into the question.
Question in Ed's workspace
Show one of several blocks of text depending on the value of a question variable.
As well as a simple check for the value of a variable, the condition to display a block of text can be a complex expression in any of the question variables - in this example, depending on the discriminant of the generated quadratic.
Question in Ed's workspace
This question aims to test understanding and ability to use the laws of indices.
Question in Ed's workspace
Factorise a quadratic equation where the coefficient of the $x^2$ term is greater than 1 and then write down the roots of the equation
Question in Ed's workspace
No description given
Question in Ed's workspace
Factorise a quadratic equation where the coefficient of the $x^2$ term is greater than 1 and then write down the roots of the equation
Question in Ed's workspace
No description given
Question in Ed's workspace
Factorise three quadratic equations of the form $x^2+bx+c$.
The first has two negative roots, the second has one negative and one positive, and the third is the difference of two squares.
Question in Ed's workspace
Calculate: $ a_1 \times a_2 \times a_3 \times a_4 $ and $ \frac{b_1 \times b_2 \times b_3 \times b_4}{b_5 \times b_6} $
Question in WP pre-sessional Questions
Two particles connected by a string which passes over a pulley at the top of an inclined plane. Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string. Can not model the whole system as a single particle.