6 results authored by Andreas Holmstrom - search across all users.
Exam (6 questions) in Andreas's workspace
Arithmetic operations involving fractions; converting between decimals and fractions; deciding if fractions are equivalent.
Exam (9 questions) in Andreas's workspaceTester trigonometrikunnskaper fra 1T.
Exam (5 questions) in Andreas's workspaceTester grunnleggende kunnskaper fra 1T om funksjoner og derivasjon.
Question in Andreas's workspaceGitt en katet og hypotenusen, regn ut den andre kateten, arealet, minste vinkel, og høyde.
Exam (6 questions) in Andreas's workspace
Using the unit circle definition of sin, cos and tan, to calculate the exact value of trig functions evaluated at angles that depend on 0, 30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees.
Exam (4 questions) in Andreas's workspace
Dette er en enkel prøve i Matematikk 1T. Oppgave 1, 2, 3 er helt vanlige mens den siste oppgaven er litt utfordrende.