19 results authored by Ricardo Monge - search across all users.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
This question uses the GeoGebra extension so it can ask the student to create an equilateral triangle. It doesn't matter how they do it, as long as they end up with a polygon with three vertices whose sides are all the same length.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
No description given
Question in Ricardo's workspace
This question uses the GeoGebra extension so it can ask the student to create an equilateral triangle. It doesn't matter how they do it, as long as they end up with a polygon with three vertices whose sides are all the same length.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form aopb where a,b can be the Boolean variables p,q,¬p,¬q and op one of ∨,∧,→.
For example ¬q→¬p.
Exam (13 questions) in Ricardo's workspace
Transposition of formulae. Changing the subject of an equation.
rebel rebelmaths
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Instructions on inputting ratios of algebraic expressions.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Solving quadratic equations using a formula
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Solving quadratic equations using a formula,
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Solving quadratic equations using a formula,
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Solve a logarithmic equation
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Solve an exponential equation
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Manipulation of an exponential function
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Manipulación de expresiones algebraicas
Exam (10 questions) in Ricardo's workspace
Este test contiene ecuaciones de fracciones algebraicas, ecuaciones logarítmicas, ecuaciones exponenciales y ecuaciones cuadráticas.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Question in Ricardo's workspace
A a 3×3 matrix. Using row operations on the augmented matrix (A|I3) reduce to (I3|A−1).
Question in Ricardo's workspace
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