Vicky Hall
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Vicky Hall commented on Using BODMAS to evaluate arithmetic expressions 7 years, 5 months ago
In the 'show steps' sections for the final part, you say 'we give roots and fractions the same priority as brackets'. This is not true. Explain to the student that a root is another way of writing a power, so that comes under the Order part of BODMAS,while a fraction means the numerator divided by the denominator, so that follows the Division part of BODMAS.
Vicky Hall on Solve quadratic inequalities 7 years, 5 months ago
Gave some feedback: Has some problems
Vicky Hall commented on Solve quadratic inequalities 7 years, 5 months ago
Reword the questions here to say something like: find the range of values of $x$ for which ${function}>0$. You have told the student to factorise in the statement so you don't need to say it again. I would also remove the gap asking them to give the factorised form.
Have a check through the advice as I noticed a couple of typos and a rogue part d).
Vicky Hall on Division of fractions 7 years, 5 months ago
Gave some feedback: Has some problems
Vicky Hall commented on Division of fractions 7 years, 5 months ago
I'm not sure if this is a problem across all parts but when I tried the question, the fraction $\displaystyle\frac{2}{30}$ appeared in part b). All fractions should be in their simplest form so make sure the numbers you use are coprime.
In part c), the answer I got was $\displaystyle\frac{525}{352}$ which is huge! The reason for this is that the denominators in the fractions in the question are large, so make them smaller. Otherwise, the student will just do the sum with a calculator to avoid the multiplication being too tedious. Remember, this is to test division of fractions rather than multiplication.
Make the numbers in part e) variables.
In the advice, remove any colons that appear before your solutions.
Vicky Hall on Calculate a student discount 7 years, 5 months ago
Gave some feedback: Has some problems
Vicky Hall commented on Inverse and composite functions 7 years, 5 months ago
If your expression is $\displaystyle\frac{\frac{(x-a)}{b}+c}{bd}$, rearrange it to $\displaystyle\frac{x-a+bc}{bd}$. Type this into the marking box as
(x+{-a+b*c})/{b*d} and it should simplify nicely.
Vicky Hall on Completing the square 7 years, 5 months ago
Gave some feedback: Has some problems
Vicky Hall commented on Completing the square 7 years, 5 months ago
In all parts of the question, put $\=$ after the expression and before the answer box.
In the advice, make sure a), b) etc are in heading 4 and that your solutions begin on the next line down. Anywhere that you reference an earlier part, write it as a) rather than a. You should write solutions for all subparts, although I agree that only subpart i) needs to go into detail.
In part d) of the advice, make sure that when you take the square root you find $\pm$ answer, which you can do by using \pm. The last lines of this section aren't rendering so have a look at that.
When I tried part c), the solution in the advice came up with a recurring decimal, although this only happens some of the time. I'd fix this so that Numbas produces a fraction instead, which should happen if you use the \simplify command.
Also ensure all of your equations in the advice display in the centre of the screen.
Vicky Hall commented on Calculate a student discount 7 years, 5 months ago
Sorry, the final sentences are meant to read:
To find $25$% we can multiply by $0.25$. To increase something by $10$%, we can multiply by $1.1$.