647 results authored by Christian Lawson-Perfect - search across all users.
Question in How-tosThis question shows that you can set the number of marks available for a part to a fraction. The total available for the question is 1 mark.
Question in How-tos
A short demonstration of when the basic simplification rules are turned on, or off.
Question in How-tos
Shows how the \text command is rendered using the plain-text font, not the LaTeX one. Useful for displaying units of measurement and English words inside equations.
Question in How-tos
You can use LaTeX in marking comments, but remember to escape backslashes!
Question in How-tosThe statement of this question demonstrates how you can control the \simplify command's behaviour by specifying the rules to use.
Question in How-tos
Should not be used: there's now a built-in function
.This question randomly generates a list of 100 items, each chosen from a list of strings.
It then computes the number of occurrences of each distinct item in the list. The statement shows the frequencies in a table.
Question in How-tos
This question uses the vis.js library to plot 3D functions and data sets.
As well as JME functions to make plots, you can use javascript functions to get more control over how the plots are rendered.
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in How-tos
This question shows how to load a GeoGebra applet from geogebra.org.
Question in How-tos
A diagram showing the difference between lines, rays and segments in Eukleides.
Question in How-tos
Give the student a larger area to write some free-form text, which isn't marked.
Question in How-tos
Shows how to use the JME function lpad to add zeros to the beginning of a number so it's always displayed using two digits.
Exam (3 questions) in How-tos
This exam uses a custom theme to provide no feedback about scores to the student.
The idea is to provide a version of the test compiled with this theme to the students as they attempt it. Once the test has closed, update with a version of the same test compiled with the default theme, so students can go back in and get feedback.
Question in How-tos
Lay out gapfills so the student has to enter either the numerator or denominator of a fraction.
Exam (1 question) in How-tos
This exam uses a custom theme which provides a new logo image.
Question in How-tosShows how to use the sqrtSquare simplification rule to display a randomly-chosen fraction involving surds on either the top or bottom.
Question in How-tos
This shows how to use variable name annotations inside \simplify to display a 3D vector in terms of the standard unit vectors $\boldsymbol{i}$, $\boldsymbol{j}$, $\boldsymbol{k}$
Question in How-tos
The student is asked to write a number with a certain property, or tick a box labelled "this is impossible" if it can't be done.
A custom marking algorithm on the gap-fill part first checks if the student ticked the box. If they did, their answer is marked correct if it really is impossible. If they didn't tick it, their number is checked against the required property.
Question in How-tos
Demo showing how to write a custom function in javascript.
Question in How-tos
This question shows how to run some JavaScript code when the question's HTML is displayed on the page.
Question in How-tos
This question shows how to use the 'adviceDisplayed' signal to run some javascript when the question's advice is revealed to the student.
Question in How-tos
Call a custom function from another javascript custom function by using
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in How-tos
Demo question showing how to use the matrix maths functions in JavaScript.
Question in How-tos
This shows how to implement a recursive function in JavaScript with a nested function definition.
Question in How-tos
The student must write a percentage, using the % symbol. An alternative answer checks the cases where they forgot the percent sign (e.g. 55), or entered the corresponding scalar (e.g. 0.55).
Question in How-tos
This demonstrates how to render a set of tuples such as $\{(1,2),(3,4)\}$ in LaTeX, starting with a list of pairs of numbers.
Question in How-tos
Shows how to enter a logarithm to an arbitrary base, in a mathematical expression part.