647 results authored by Christian Lawson-Perfect - search across all users.
Question in Demos
The student is shown a table with rows for each class in a school, and two columns of numbers: books, and children. They have to work out the column totals, and the number of books per child, and enter them in the table.
Question in Demos
The student is shown a diagram with measurements of rooms in a house. They have to enter the measurements in a spreadsheet, then the area of each room, and finally the total area of the house.
Question in Demos
Demonstrates how to construct a spreadsheet value from scratch, without uploading an .xlsx file.
Exam (7 questions) in Demos
Several questions demonstrating the spreadsheets extension
Question in Demos
This question demonstrates how to use GeoGebra applets in explore mode.
The student must construct a polygon by adding points one at a time. At any point, they can answer the question, "Is the centroid inside the polygon?"
GeoGebra's IsInRegion command is used to decide if the centroid is inside the polygon.
Exam (11 questions) in Demos
This exam collects some questions demonstrating different uses of the programming extension and the Code part type, to mark code written in Python and R.
Question in Demos
The student is asked to integrate a given function. The marking algorithm differentiates the student's answer, and checks that it is equivalent to the original function.
Question in Demos
This question demonstrates how to construct a JSXGraph diagram using JessieCode.
The construction shows a triangle and its orthocentre, circumcentre and centroid. They are always collinear. You can move the vertices of the triangle.
Exam (13 questions) in MSP Away day May 2023
A collection of questions demonstrating the JSXGraph, GeoGebra and Eukleides extensions.
Exam (3 questions) in Transition to university
Evaluating arithmetic operations, and the order of operations.
Exam (93 questions) in DIAGNOSYS
DIAGNOSYS is a knowledge-based test of mathematics background knowledge for first-year university students, created by John Appleby at Newcastle University.
The questions have been translated directly into Numbas, with as few changes as possible.
Question in Programming extension
This question shows how to use the programming extension's run_code function to run some Python code and use its result in the marking of a non-code part type.
Python is used to calculate the correct answer for a number entry part type. This could be done
Exam (17 questions) in Programming extension
A collection of questions demonstrating the programming extension.
Exam (4 questions) in Transition to university
Some questions of relevance to consumers.
Question in GCSE level questions
Use the product rule (number of ways of doing A and B = (no. for A)*(no. for B)) to count the number of ways of doing two independent tasks.
Question in Programming extension
This question shows how to display a plot generated in matplotlib from code written by the student.
Question in Programming extension
The student must write code to filter a given list of numbers, returning only the positive elements.
Question in Programming extension
Given an unknown list, the student must write Python code to create a copy of it.
There's an alternative to catch the case where the student's variable is just a reference to the original list.
Question in Programming extension
Given an unknown list, the student has to write code to return the last item in the list.
Question in Programming extension
Given a randomly-generated list, the student must write code to return its first value.
There's an alternative to check if they get the second item, which they might do if they don't realise Python lists are zero-indexed.
Question in Programming extension
The student must write code to compute the standard deviation of an unknown list of measurements.
The suggested answer uses numpy.std.
Question in Programming extension
This is the simplest demonstration of the "code" part type I could think of: assign
x = 1
.An alternative answer gives a hint if the studen'ts code doesn't define x at all.
Question in Christian's workspace
A Eukleides diagram showing a list of numbers, each in their own box, with the sum drawn above.
Question in Christian's workspace
A Eukleides diagram showing a list of numbers, each in their own box, with the sum drawn above.
Question in Demos
Draws a diagram showing a randomly-chosen number of circles, packed in a box.
Exam (6 questions) in Getting Started
A collection of information and activities to introduce students to Numbas. There is some information on how Numbas works, information on how to write answers to mathematical expression and number entry parts, and a "test yourself" explore mode activity.
Note: This exam was written for students accessing Numbas exams through the Numbas LTI tool. Some of the information does not apply to exams accessed standalone or through a generic SCORM player.
Question in Question authoring examples
This question is the one described in method 2 of the example "Apply a standard integral" in the Numbas documentation.
The student is shown a randomly chosen function to integrate. The function is one of $e^{kx}$, $x^k$, $\cos(kx)$, $\sin(kx)$, with $k$ a randomly chosen integer.
Exam (12 questions) in Demos
A demo of the main new features in Numbas v5: explore mode, alternative answers and "Choose from a menu" question navigation.
Question in Demos
All the answers in this question are equations. In order to mark each equation, Numbas needs to pick some values that satisfy the equation and some that don't, and check that the student's answer agrees with the expected answer.
Any equation with the same solution set as the expected answer will be marked correct.
Question in How-tos
The answer to this question is a differential equation involving $y''$, $y'$ and $y$.
A variable value generator for $y$ ensures that the right values are tested to check that the student's answer is equivalent to the expected equation.