9 results authored by Maura Paterson - search across all users.

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  • Square-and-multiply
    Ready to use

    This question tests students' ability to use repeated squaring to perform modular exponentiation.  Moduli are random numbers between 30 and 70, the base is a number between 10 and 29.  To generate questions of approximately uniform difficult the exponent is taken to be 256 plus two smaller powers of 2. 

  • Tests students' ability to apply the recursive form of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.  Random four-digit inputs are chosen subject to the condition that the Euclidean Algorithm terminates in seven steps.

  • Modular arithmetic
    Ready to use

    Asks students to add and multiply two integers modulo another integer.  The modulus is a random number between 30 and 70, the summands are set to be large enough that modular reduction will be necessary.

  • Multiplicative inverse
    Ready to use

    Asks students to compute the multiplicative inverse of $a$ in $\mathbb{Z}_n$ where $n$ is an odd number between 31 and 61 and $a$ is an integer coprime to $n$ that lies between $n/4$ and $3n/4$.

  • A straightforward test of encrypting and decrypting an eight-letter message with the Vigenère Cipher using a four-letter key.  Message letters are generated uniformly at random from the English alphabet, as are the key letters.  Students are expected to be able to map English letters onto elements of $\mathbb{Z}_{26}$ in the usual order.

  • A straightforward test of encrypting and decrypting an eight-bit message with the Vernam Cipher.  The message and the key are uniform and independently generated eight-bit strings.

  • A straightforward test of encrypting and decrypting an eight-letter message with the Substitution Cipher.  Message letters are generated uniformly at random from the English alphabet and the key is a uniformly chosen random permutation of the alphabet.  Students are expected to be able to map English letters onto elements of $\mathbb{Z}_{26}$ in the usual order.

  • A straightforward test of encrypting and decrypting an eight-letter message with the Caesar Cipher.  Message letters are generated uniformly at random from the English alphabet, as is the key.  Students are expected to be able to map English letters onto elements of $\mathbb{Z}_{26}$ in the usual order.

  • Fermat Prime Question
    Needs to be tested

    This question tests the student's understanding of basic definitions.