19 results authored by Andrew Iskauskas - search across all users.

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  • Question in BUYS by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.

  • Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.

  • Question in Andrew's workspace by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Straightforward question: student must find the general solution to a second order constant coefficient ODE. Uses custom marking algorithm to check that both roots appear and that the solution is in the correct form (e.g. two arbitrary constants are present). Arbitrary constants can be any non space-separated string of characters. The algorithm also allows for the use of $e^x$ rather than $\exp(x)$.

    Unit tests are also included, to check whether the algorithm accurately marks when the solution is correct; when it's correct but deviates from the 'answer'; when one or more roots is incorrect; or when the roots are correct but constants of integration have been forgotten.

  • Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.

  • Solving a second-order constant coefficient ODE. Uses the differentiation extension: https://github.com/Tandethsquire/Differentiation, and the Differential Equation custom part type, to differentiate a student answer and ensure it satisfies the equation.

  • Exam (2 questions) in Andrew's workspace by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas

    A sample of what can be done with the differentiation extension, and the corresponding custom part type.

  • Question in Custom Scripts by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Straightforward question: student must find the general solution to a second order constant coefficient ODE. Uses custom marking algorithm to check that both roots appear and that the solution is in the correct form (e.g. two arbitrary constants are present). Arbitrary constants can be any non space-separated string of characters. The algorithm also allows for the use of $e^x$ rather than $\exp(x)$.

    Unit tests are also included, to check whether the algorithm accurately marks when the solution is correct; when it's correct but deviates from the 'answer'; when one or more roots is incorrect; or when the roots are correct but constants of integration have been forgotten.

  • Question in Andrew's workspace by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Warning: may take up to 60 seconds to load question!

    Students are given six graphs, corresponding to curves $\gamma(t)$. They must match each with its signed curvature function, $\kappa(t)$.

    The graphs are generated by calculating $\theta(t)=\int \kappa(t) \mathrm{d}t$ (by hand: these are given to the question as functions of a variable '#', in string form), and solving $x^{\prime}=\cos(\theta(t)-\theta(0))$ and $y^{\prime}(t)=\sin(\theta(t)-\theta(0))$ numerically (using the RKF method) with a JavaScript extension.

  • Question in Durham Test Questions by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Straightforward question: student must find the general solution to a second order constant coefficient ODE. Uses custom marking algorithm to check that both roots appear and that the solution is in the correct form (e.g. two arbitrary constants are present). Arbitrary constants can be any non space-separated string of characters. The algorithm also allows for the use of $e^x$ rather than $\exp(x)$.

    Unit tests are also included, to check whether the algorithm accurately marks when the solution is correct; when it's correct but deviates from the 'answer'; when one or more roots is incorrect; or when the roots are correct but constants of integration have been forgotten.

  • Question in Durham Test Questions by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Straightforward question: student must find the general solution to a second order constant coefficient ODE. Uses custom marking algorithm to check that both roots appear and that the solution is in the correct form (e.g. two arbitrary constants are present). Arbitrary constants can be any non space-separated string of characters. The algorithm also allows for the use of $e^x$ rather than $\exp(x)$.

    Unit tests are also included, to check whether the algorithm accurately marks when the solution is correct; when it's correct but deviates from the 'answer'; when one or more roots is incorrect; or when the roots are correct but constants of integration have been forgotten.

  • Question in Shared Questions by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas and 1 other

    Straightforward question: student must find the general solution to a second order constant coefficient ODE. Uses custom marking algorithm to check that both roots appear and that the solution is in the correct form (e.g. two arbitrary constants are present). Arbitrary constants can be any non space-separated string of characters. The algorithm also allows for the use of $e^x$ rather than $\exp(x)$.

    Unit tests are also included, to check whether the algorithm accurately marks when the solution is correct; when it's correct but deviates from the 'answer'; when one or more roots is incorrect; or when the roots are correct but constants of integration have been forgotten.

  • Exam (5 questions) in Mathematical Logic by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas

    A collection of questions (frequently updated) to demonstrate the usage of the Logic extension.

    Current questions:

    • Make syllogisms (either valid, invalid or valid under an additional assumption);
    • Write statements in Polish and reverse Polish notation, find the truth table, determine satisfiability;
    • Test whether a collection of statements $\Gamma$ models a statement $\phi$;
    • Write the Disjunctive and Conjunctive Normal Forms for a statement.

    Needs the Logic Extension!

  • The student is asked to factorise a quadratic $x^2 + ax + b$. A custom marking script uses pattern matching to ensure that the student's answer is of the form $(x+a)(x+b)$, $(x+a)^2$, or $x(x+a)$.

    To find the script, look in the Scripts tab of part a.

  • Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.

  • Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.

  • Logic Node Demo
    Needs to be tested
    Exam (5 questions) in Custom Scripts by Picture of Andrew Iskauskas Andrew Iskauskas

    A collection of questions (frequently updated) to demonstrate the usage of the Logic extension.

    Current questions:

    • Make syllogisms (either valid, invalid or valid under an additional assumption);
    • Write statements in Polish and reverse Polish notation, find the truth table, determine satisfiability;
    • Test whether a collection of statements $\Gamma$ models a statement $\phi$;
    • Write the Disjunctive and Conjunctive Normal Forms for a statement.

    Needs the Logic Extension!

  • A method of randomly choosing variable names - use the expression() JME function to create a variable name from a randomly chosen string.

    (This question also uses a custom marking script to check that the student has simplified the expression)

  • The student is asked to factorise a quadratic $x^2 + ax + b$. A custom marking script uses pattern matching to ensure that the student's answer is of the form $(x+a)(x+b)$, $(x+a)^2$, or $x(x+a)$.

    To find the script, look in the Scripts tab of part a.

  • Multiplication of $2 \times 2$ matrices.