52 results authored by Ulrich Görtz - search across all users.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Identify well-known fractional equivalents of decimals. Convert obscure decimals and recurring decimals into fractions.
https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22784/decimals-to-fractions/ by Lauren Richards
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Decide whether statements about square and cube numbers are always true, sometimes true or never true.
German translation of https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22768/always-sometimes-or-never-square-and-cube-numbers/ von Stanislav Duris.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Schreibe $\displaystyle \frac{a} {b + \frac{c}{d}}$ als einen gekürzten Bruch $\displaystyle \frac{p}{q}$ mit ganzen Zahlen $p$ und $q$.
Angepasste, übersetzte und erweiterte Version von https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11701/simplifying-fractions/ von Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Details on inputting numbers into Numbas. (German translation)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Dealing with functions in Numbas. (Translation to German.)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Inputting ratios of algebraic expressions. (Translation to German)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Information on inputting powers
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Entering numbers and algebraic symbols in Numbas. (German translation)
Question in Ulrich's workspace
No description given
Question in Ulrich's workspace
No description given
Question in Lineare Algebra 2
No description given
Question in Lineare Algebra 2
The euclidean algorithm in the polynomial ring $\mathbb Q[x]$.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Asks the student whether a map between two finite sets, given schematically "by arrows" is injective/surjective/bijective.
Question in Ulrich's workspace
Two sample t-test to see if there is a difference between scores on questions between two groups when the questions are asked in a different order.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Find a matrix whose associated linear map maps the unit square to the shown parallelogram. Match figures "of linear maps" with matrices.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Compute how many linear maps $\mathbb F_p^n\to \mathbb F_p^m$ exist which take prescribed values on a given set of elements in $\mathbb F_p^n$ (which is linearly dependent).
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Find a basis for the intersection of two kernels of linear maps $\mathbb Q^3\to \mathbb Q^3$ and $\mathbb Q^3\to \mathbb Q$.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Questions around quadratic equations over finite fields of the form $\mathbb F_p$, $p$ a prime number.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Direct calculation of low positive and negative powers of complex numbers. Calculations involving a complex conjugate. Powers of $i$. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11788/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-v/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Tramslated to German
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Elementary examples of multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11784/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-i/ by Newcastle University Mathematics ans Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Composite multiplication and division of complex numbers. Two parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11787/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-iv/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Inverse and division of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11786/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-iii/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11785/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-ii/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Guided induction proof of a divisibility statement (with moderate randomization).
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Some simple multiple choice questions on the field of complex numbers.
Question in Ulrich's workspace
No description given
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
A group (chosen randomly, the groups with 6 and those 8 elements are available) is given by its multiplication table. The task is to check whether the group is commutative, to identify all elements of order $\le 2$, and to find a subgroup which has half as many elements as the given group.
(In German.)
Question in Ulrich's workspace
Marks two gaps correrct, if the numbers meet a specific condition (here: product is a given number).
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Inputting algebraic expressions into Numbas. (Translation to German)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Manipulate fractions in order to add and subtract them. The difficulty escalates through the inclusion of a whole integer and a decimal, which both need to be converted into a fraction before the addition/subtraction can take place.
https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22664/addition-and-subtraction-of-fractions/ by Lauren Richards
Translated to German and Part d) added.