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Skills Audit for Maths and Stats - Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence programs (COM1002)
Ready to use
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
From users who are members of Skills Audits for Maths and Stats :
Will Morgan | said | Ready to use | 8 months, 2 weeks ago |
Will Morgan 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Gave some feedback: Ready to use
Will Morgan 10 months, 1 week ago
Published this.Will Morgan 10 months, 1 week ago
Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested
Will Morgan 10 months, 1 week ago
Created this.There is only one version of this exam that you have access to.
1.Ready to useApplying the order of operators.
2.Ready to useRound numbers to a given number of significant figures.
3.Ready to useCalculations with negative numbers.
4.Ready to useCompound percentage change.
5.Ready to useFind the original price before a discount by dividing the new price by the percentage discount.
6.Ready to useCalculate one number as percentage of another.
7.Ready to useManipulate fractions in order to add and subtract them. The difficulty escalates through the inclusion of a whole integer and a decimal, which both need to be converted into a fraction before the addition/subtraction can take place.
8.Ready to useSeveral problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
9.Ready to useCalculations involving Standard form.
10.Ready to useSimplifying expressions from xmxnxp to xm+n−p.
11.Ready to useFind the missing whole number power in an equation.
12.Ready to useCalculate an answer involving a fractional index.
13.Ready to useUsing indices rules to rewrite an expression from amn to b, for integers a, b, m and n.
14.Ready to useperform a calculation involving negative indices.
15.Ready to useSimple exercise in collecting terms in different powers of x
16.Ready to useExpand two brackets involving powers of x.
17.Ready to useFiind the Highest Common Factor of two algebraic expressions involving a coefficient and powers of x and y.
18.Ready to useSolving a pair of linear simultaneous equations, giving answers as integers or fractions.
19.Ready to useSolving a pair of simultaneous equations of the form a1x+y=c1 and a2x2+b2xy=c2 by forming a quadratic equation.
20.Ready to useRearrange a specific formula. No randomisation.
21.Ready to useFactorise three quadratic equations of the form x2+bx+c. The first has two negative roots, the second has one negative and one positive, and the third is the difference of two squares.
22.Ready to useSolving a quadratic equation via factorisation (or otherwise) with the x2-term having a coefficient of 1.
23.Ready to useFactorise a quadratic equation where the coefficient of the x2 term is greater than 1 and then write down the roots of the equation
24.Ready to useSimplify the sum of two algebraic fractions where spotting factorising of both numerators and denominators can reduce the work massively.
25.Ready to useA question to practice simplifying fractions with the use of factorisation (for binomial and quadratic expressions).
26.Ready to useRewrite the expression mx2+nx+k(x+a)(x2+bx+c) as partial fractions in the form Ax+a+Bx+Cx2+bx+c.
27.Ready to useBasic calculation from a sum given in Sigma notation.
28.Ready to useEvaluating a linear function for a given value of x.
29.Ready to useFinding the inverse of a function of the form f(x)=mx+cx+a,x≠−a.
30.Ready to useSolving alog(x)+log(b)=log(c) for x, where a, b and c are positive integers.
31.Ready to useSolving an equation of the form ax=b using logarithms to find x.
32.Ready to useDifferentiate a polynomial expression involving coefficients and, negative and fractional indices.
33.Ready to useCalculating the definite integral ∫n2n1a1xb1+a2xb2+a3xb3dx.
34.Ready to useFinding the stationary points of a cubic equation and determining their nature.
35.Ready to useCalculating the derivative of a function of the form sin(axm+bxn) using the chain rule.
36.Ready to useCalculating the derivative a function of the form axnsin(bx) using the product rule.
37.Ready to useCalculating the derivative of a function of the form axnbx+c using the quotient rule.
38.Ready to useCalculating the integral of a function of the form c(x+a)(x+b) using partial fractions.
39.Ready to useCalculating the integral of a function of the form nxn−1xn+a using integration by substitution.
40.Ready to useCalculating the integral of a function of the form ax2cos(bx) using integration by parts.
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