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Questions used in a university course titled "Coding theory".
Ready to use as all 20 questions are stated as ready to use.
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England university
Scotland schools
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From users who are not members of Content created by Newcastle University :
Bill Foster | said | Ready to use | 6 years, 5 months ago |
Christian Lawson-Perfect 4 years, 9 months ago
Published this.Bill Foster 6 years, 5 months ago
Gave some feedback: Ready to use
Christian Lawson-Perfect 6 years, 7 months ago
Created this.There is only one version of this exam that you have access to.
There is one other version that you do not have access to.
1.Ready to useCorrect an error in a received message which was encoded using Hamming's square code
2.Ready to useDecode a message of two codewords encoded using Hamming's [7,4] code, with at most one error per codeword.
3.Ready to useFind all words with given Hamming distance from a given codeword.
4.Has some problemsCompute tables of Hamming distances in given codes, then determine which codes are equivalent.
5.Ready to useCompute the information rate and minimum distance of some binary codes.
6.Ready to useFind upper and lower bounds on the number of codewords in three maximal codes given their codeword lengths and minimum distances. Uses Hamming, Singleton and Gilbert-Varshamov bounds.
7.Ready to useList all vectors in a spanning set. (repeated 3 times)
8.Ready to useGiven a set of vectors, find a basis which generates their span as a subspace of Zn.
9.Ready to useGiven a matrix in the field Zn. By reducing it to row-echelon form (or otherwise), find a basis for the row space of the matrix, as a list of vectors.
10.Should not be usedGiven a generating matrix for a binary linear code, construct a parity check matrix, list all the codewords, list all the words in a given coset, give coset leaders, calculate syndromes for each coset, correct a codeword with one error.
11.Ready to useGiven a set of codewords generating a code, write down a generator matrix, encode three data vectors, and decode one codeword.
12.Ready to useGiven a set of codewords generating a code, give a generating matrix, encode three data vectors, and decode one codeword.
13.Ready to useGiven a set of codewords generating a code, give a generating matrix, encode three data vectors, and decode one codeword.
14.Should not be usedGiven a generating matrix for a linear code, give a parity check matrix
15.Ready to useCompute the minimum distance between codewords of a code, given a parity check matrix.
16.Ready to useGiven a generator matrix for a linear code, write a parity check matrix, compute the syndrome of a word, and decide if it's a codeword.
17.Ready to useWrite down a lexicographic parity check matrix for a Hamming code and correct two received codewords.
18.Ready to useWrite down the lexicographic parity check matrix for a Hamming code, and correct two received codewords.
19.Ready to useCompute the word length, minimum distance and dimension of some given Hamming codes.
20.Ready to useWrite down the lexicographic parity check matrix and generator matrix for a Hamming code, which is the dual of a Simplex code, then determine if a given word is a codeword of the corresponding Simplex code.
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