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Exam (4 questions)
This exam test students understanding of determinants and inverses of 3x3 matrices.
Exam (3 questions)
This exam looks at the determinatns and inverses of 2x2 matrices
Cofactors Determinant and inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
QuestionTranspose of a matrix
Exercises on calculating the determinant of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.
Exercises on calculating the determinant of 3x3 matrices.
Find the determinant and inverse of three $2 \times 2$ invertible matrices.
This question tests learner's knowledge of the inverse matrix method for a 3x3 matrix.
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Exam (2 questions)
This exam gives an overview of skills studnets require to be able to add and subtract matrices.
QuestionMatrix subtraction (student defines dimensions in answer)
Exam (2 questions)
Exam to test students understanding of matrices multiplied by a scalar.
QuestionScalar Multiplication (pre-defined sizes in answers)
Exam (2 questions)
This exam gives tests for an overview of the skills students need to be able to perfom matrix multiplications.
Multiplication of two matrices.
This question tests if a students understands when matrices are conformable
QuestionScalar Multiplication, addition and subtraction in combination (pre-defined sizes in answers)
Exam (3 questions)
This is a collection of questions to test different aspect to consider when representing a matrix.
This question tests understanding of subscript notation for matrices
QuestionClassifying matrices (dimensions/order)
QuestionIdentify element of a matrix.
QuestionMatrix addition (pre-defined dimensions in answer)