4 results in Newcastle University Computing for Mathematics - search across all projects.
This question takes in a json file containing a tv data frame in the R package ncldata (https://rdrr.io/rforge/ncldata/).
Exam (3 questions)Some examples of Numbas questions used in computing modules in the School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics at Newcastle University
Download a file and scan the values into R to obtain a numeric vector of values. Then use R to explore your numeric vector in order to find the answers to these questions.
SPSS fat absorption question. Student downloads one of several SPSS files and carries out some analysis in SPSS, before returning to enter the answers. The analysis is a one-way analysis of variance. If there is a difference in the levels of the factor then a post hoc test (Tukey's honestly significant difference) is used to determine which pairs of variables are significantly different.