Explore public projects

61 public projects, ordered by number of items. Or order by name instead.

  1. Skills Audits for Maths and Stats

    Project for Skills Audits for Maths and Stats used by the University of Sheffield MASH team

    142 questions and 0 exams Default licence: CC BY-NC-SA Owner: Mash Sheffield
  2. Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect Demos

    Exams and questions created when giving demos of Numbas.

    • Picture of Chris Graham
    103 questions and 25 exams Default licence: CC BY Owner: Christian Lawson-Perfect
  3. Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect DIAGNOSYS

    DIAGNOSYS is a knowledge-based test of mathematics background knowledge for first-year university students, created by John Appleby at Newcastle University.

    • Picture of John Appleby
    93 questions and 1 exam Default licence: CC BY Owner: Christian Lawson-Perfect
  4. Picture of Ben Brawn pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic

    Questions that don't require or use algebra, e.g. long division, order of operations, negative numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, ratios, rates, scientific notation, units, non-algebraic indices.

    68 questions and 10 exams Default licence: CC BY-NC-SA Owner: Ben Brawn
  5. Picture of Ben Brawn Algebra

    Standard high school algebra questions. Using symbols for unknown quantities, expressions involving such symbols, factors, solving equations, inequalties, indices, binomial products, solving quadratic equations, simultaneous equations

    62 questions and 8 exams Default licence: CC BY-NC-SA Owner: Ben Brawn