
There was an error loading the page.

Try to answer the following questions here:

  • What is this question used for?
  • What does this question assess?
  • What does the student have to do?
  • How is the question randomised?
  • Are there any implementation details that editors should be aware of?




From users who are members of Transition to university :



Checkpoint description

Describe what's changed since the last checkpoint.

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 5 years, 9 months ago

Saved a checkpoint:

Replaced javascript with pattern restrictions in every part

Restore this checkpoint

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 4 months ago

Saved a checkpoint:

I've fixed part h - I was missing a plus-or-minus in the matching pattern.

Restore this checkpoint

J. Richard Snape commented 7 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for this fantastic question set in "Transition to University".  I'm trialling using them in my teaching this year.  I have a tiny problem with part h in this question - for some reason when I use it when a student enters a correct answer it marks it wrong, giving feedback that it can be further simplified.  I attach a screenshot - not sure what rule is triggering this as even the 419 constant is prime, so I can't see any further gathering of terms possible.  I'll try to debug myself, but any help would be appreciated :)  It seems to be using "all" for simplification in the marking, but so are other parts in this question that work fine.

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 6 months ago

Gave some feedback: Ready to use

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 6 months ago

Saved a checkpoint:

I've set expected variable names for the parts with more than one variable.

Restore this checkpoint

Elliott Fletcher 7 years, 6 months ago

Published this.

Aiden McCall 7 years, 7 months ago

Saved a checkpoint:

I can't see anything particularly wrong with this question. 

Restore this checkpoint

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 7 months ago

Saved a checkpoint:

The string restrictions aren't doing a great job here. I don't think you should require the asterisk.

Talk to Elliott about adding pattern matching.

This should be two questions - a question with each of the items from part a as a separate part, and part b on its own.

Restore this checkpoint

Picture of Christian Lawson-Perfect

Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush commented 7 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for the feedback and s0rry for the typing errors. Changing the marking order was very difficult but has been done using either string restrictions or marking scripts. Thank you for the advice for the wording of wuestions, I need to get more concise with the way I word things. I am glad you liked it.

Lauren Richards commented 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Typo in the statement - "bellow" instead of "below".
  • Part v) gave me "1ab" as one of the terms. Maybe make sure the 1 cancels.
  • I think part b) sounds a little complicated when it is your friend. I suggest you make it yourself or a specific person, eg. Jim. "Jim has a fondness of handmade sweets and is trying to work out the amount of money he has spent on them in one week. He eats [blah] lollipops, [blah] toffees and [blah] jelly sweets. Lollipops cost [blah], toffees are £1 more expensive than lollipops and jelly sweets are half the price of toffees."
  • Make sure all your i), ii)... are in italic in both the main question and the advice.
  • i) in part b) - "it's" should be "its" and "simplist" should be "simplest". I also think you should specify not to have brackets in your answer. 
  • ii) in part b) - I think you should just say "If the cost of a lollipop was [blah], calculate Jim's total expenditure on sweets for the week." I also think you should put a pound sign before the gap fill as the units are pounds.
  • Issue with numbas not acccepting answers as terms are in a different order to that which it is expecting. Maybe in the question, specify which order to put the terms to avoid this happening.
  • In parts vi), vii) and viii), I think I would add a line expanding out the brackets to make it more clear. 
  • I think the advice for b)i) could be more helpful rather than just telling them to read carefully! Explain how (x+1) means toffees are £1 more expensive etc. 
  • Part b)ii), I think you could write "Using the equation we had devised from part b)i), we can substitute the price of lollipops, x=2, to calculate Jim's total expenditure."
  • Good question, I like it!
Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush commented 7 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for the feedback, I agree about the "*" requirement so I've removed that from the answer. I fixed the typos and the latex errors, added some gaps, reworded part b and changed the text layout.

Hannah Aldous commented 7 years, 7 months ago

all of your part a answers require * using in the answers, however some parts of v don't. Not sure I would require  * for the answers. 
part b i) typo "tofffee",
make sure x and £ in the question is written in LaTeX,
you need to place gaps in before and after the = for both i and ii,
the question for part i seems a bit clunky and long maybe split it after algerbraic expression and start the next sentence as 'write the answer in...'
in b ii) maybe write '...calculate total cost..'
in the advice  part a make sure x^2 and x are in LaTeX
also you've written x^2+x=x^2+2?
in part b i you've centred and aligned part of your text with the equations
for ii use \times instead of *

Hannah Aldous 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Picture of Chris Graham

Chris Graham commented 7 years, 7 months ago

typo: "algerbraic". Re-consider part b)

Picture of Chris Graham

Chris Graham 7 years, 7 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush commented 7 years, 8 months ago

Thank you for the feedback!

The 'doesn't work' was something Christian set when he came over and the changes we had made to the editor weren't being reflected in the test runs. I have made the statement more direct, added some string restrictions, changed the advice errors and the part b advice. 

However, for the part b) question I wanted to test the ability of the student to turn the text they are reading into equations which can then be manipulated as a higher level skill to round off the question, but I would like to hear any further opinion you have on this.

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Picture of Chris Graham

Chris Graham commented 7 years, 8 months ago

I've changed the Doesn't Work status as it seems to run OK. What was the problem?

The statement is currently more of a description of the question, rather than instructions for the student. "For each of the expressions below, collect terms..." would be more direct.

In part b) you can use the string restrictions tab to set the expected variables and warn the student if they use anything other than those.

The prompt in b) starts quite abruptly with "One bag...". Why not say e.g. "Brad has two bags of tokens. The first bag contains..." I think I would move the bag contents to two lists, which is easier for the student to work with.

In the advice you have some small errors e.g. $7z(=$, and you could make use of the align environment. Similarly with part (b).

In the final part of the advice I would give an expression for each bag first, in terms of $r,b,y$ and then put the two together.

Picture of Chris Graham

Chris Graham 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush commented 7 years, 8 months ago

The error in the marking of the first question seems to have fixed itself.

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Doesn't work

Picture of Bradley Bush

Bradley Bush 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Doesn't work

Bradley Bush 7 years, 8 months ago

Created this.
Name Status Author Last Modified
Expand brackets and collect like terms Ready to use Bradley Bush 20/11/2019 14:38
Create an algebraic expression from a word problem, simplify, and evaluate Ready to use Bradley Bush 19/12/2022 12:26
Hollie's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Hollie Tarr 17/09/2017 15:18
Raphael's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Raphael Stuhlmeier 23/11/2017 13:28
Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Owen Jepps 11/01/2018 06:08
samla lika termer draft Ida Landgärds 10/04/2018 14:19
Ida's copy of samla lika termer draft Ida Landgärds 10/04/2018 14:21
Ida's copy of samla lika termer draft Ida Landgärds 10/04/2018 14:24
Marte's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Marte Bråtalien 12/04/2018 11:01
Marte's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Marte Bråtalien 12/04/2018 11:01
Samantha's copy of Create an algebraic expression from a word problem, simplify, and evaluate draft Samantha Konig 28/06/2018 05:55
Samantha's copy of Create an algebraic expression from a word problem, simplify, and evaluate draft Samantha Konig 28/06/2018 05:56
Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Paul Hancock 24/07/2018 02:40
Expand brackets and collect like terms[L4 Randomised] Needs to be tested Matthew James Sykes 25/07/2018 13:56
Heather's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms[L4 Randomised] draft Heather Driscoll 01/10/2018 15:40
Francis's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms - two questions draft Francis Duah 11/11/2018 15:28
Create an algebraic expression from a word problem, simplify, and evaluate in dollars version Ready to use Maria Aneiros 18/05/2019 02:13
Maria's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms draft Maria Aneiros 29/05/2019 05:57
Maria's copy of Create an algebraic expression from a word problem, simplify, and evaluate draft Maria Aneiros 29/05/2019 05:09
WordProblem01_NL Ready to use Paul Verheyen 28/09/2019 18:14
Musa's copy of Expand brackets draft Musa Mammadov 01/08/2022 08:17
Musa's copy of Expand brackets and collect like terms 3 draft Musa Mammadov 27/06/2023 01:45
Musa's copy of 3 Expand brackets draft Musa Mammadov 27/06/2023 01:47

There are 85 other versions that do you not have access to.

Give any introductory information the student needs.

Name Type Generated Value

Error in variable testing condition

There's an error in the variable testing condition. Variable values can't be generated until it's fixed.


for seconds

Running for ...

No variables have been defined in this question.

This variable was automatically created because there's a reference to it somewhere in this question.



  • When applying the function,
    • Change the signature of parameter from to .

This variable is an interactive HTML node. Interactive HTML nodes can not be relied upon to work correctly when resuming a session - for example, attached event callbacks will be lost, and mathematical notation will likely also break.

If this causes problems, try to create HTML nodes where you use them in content areas, instead of storing them in variables.

Describe what this variable represents, and list any assumptions made about its value.

Generated value:

← Depends on:
→ Used by:

This variable doesn't seem to be used anywhere.

Help with explore mode

(sum of objective limits)


Name Limit


Name Limit

No parts have been defined in this question.

Select a part to edit.

This gap is not used in the parent part's prompt.

The student will not be able to enter an answer to this gap.

Ask the student a question, and give any hints about how they should answer this part.

The correct answer is an equation. Use the accuracy tab to generate variable values satisfying this equation so it can be marked accurately.

Advanced settings

Checking accuracy

Define the range of points over which the student's answer will be compared with the correct answer, and the method used to compare them.

Variable value generators

Give expressions which produce values for each of the variables in the expected answer. Leave blank to pick a random value from the range defined above, following the inferred type of the variable.

(this might be a )

Pattern restriction


String restrictions

(no maximum)

Advanced settings

(The midpoint of the minimum and maximum accepted values)

Advanced settings

Advanced settings

(not displayed in columns)
(no maximum)

Advanced settings

(not displayed in columns)
(no maximum)

For each choice, specify the number of marks to add or subtract when the student picks it.

For each choice, write 1 if the student should tick it, or 0 if they should leave it unticked.

You must set a maximum number of marks in order to use this marking method.

(no maximum)

Advanced settings

(no maximum)

You must set a maximum number of marks in order to use this marking method.

For each combination of answer and choice, specify the number of marks to add or subtract when the student picks it.

For each combination of answer and choice, write 1 if the student should tick it, or 0 if they should leave it unticked.

Both choices and answers must be defined for this part.

Advanced settings

(Same as correct answer)
(Same as correct answer)
(No limit)
(No limit)
(No limit)
(No limit)

Help with this part type

Base marking algorithm

Custom marking algorithm

Test that the marking algorithm works

Check that the marking algorithm works with different sets of variables and student answers using the interface below.

Create unit tests to save expected results and to document how the algorithm should work.

There's an error which means the marking algorithm can't run:

Your answer is being marked.

This is an extension type part. There is no expected answer, and it's assumed that the marking depends on interactions within the part's prompt.

You can test this part's marking algorithm by interacting with the rendering of the part's prompt below.

Your answer is being marked.
Gap Expected answer Student's answer


Question variables

These variables are available within the marking algorithm.

Name Value

Marking parameters

These values are available as extra variables in the marking algorithm.

Name Value

Part settings

These values are available as entries in the settings variable.

Name Value

This feedback is based on your last submitted answer. Submit your changed answer to get updated feedback.


Alternative used:

These are the notes produced by this part's marking algorithm.

Note Value Feedback

Click on a note's name to show or hide it.

Unit tests

No unit tests have been defined. Enter an answer above, select one or more notes, and click the "Create a unit test" button.

The following tests check that the question is behaving as desired.

This test has not been run yet This test produces the expected output This test does not produce the expected output

This test is not currently producing the expected result. Fix the marking algorithm to produce the expected results detailed below or, if this test is out of date, update the test to accept the current values.

One or more notes in this test are no longer defined. If these notes are no longer needed, you should delete this test.

Name Value

Note Value Feedback
This note produces the expected output Current:

No feedback messages.


No warnings.


A difference in feedback messages does not cause this test to fail.

No feedback messages.


A difference in warnings does not cause this test to fail.

No warnings.

This test has not yet been run.

When you need to change the way this part works beyond the available options, you can write JavaScript code to be executed at the times described below.

Run this script the built-in script.

This script runs after the built-in script.

To account for errors made by the student in earlier calculations, replace question variables with answers to earlier parts.

In order to create a variable replacement, you must define at least one variable and one other part.

Variable Answer to use Must be answered?

The variable replacements you've chosen will cause the following variables to be regenerated each time the student submits an answer to this part:

These variables have some random elements, which means they're not guaranteed to have the same value each time the student submits an answer. You should define new variables to store the random elements, so that they remain the same each time this part is marked.

More information about this problem

This part can't be reached by the student.

Add a "next part" reference to this part from another part.

None of the parts which can lead to this part are reachable either.

Next part options

Define the list of parts that the student can visit after this one.

  • Variable replacements

    No variable replacements have been defined for this next part option.
    Variable Value

Previous parts

This part can follow on from:

This part doesn't follow on from any others.


Choose a type for this new .

More information

Give a worked solution to the whole question.

Select extensions to use in this question.

  • There was an error loading this extension.

Define rulesets for simplification and display of mathematical expressions.


Define functions to use in JME expressions.

Select a function to edit.

No functions have been defined in this question.

Name Type
Output type

Built-in constants

Tick the built-in constants you wish to include in this question.

Custom constants

You can define constants in terms of the built-in constants, even if they're disabled.
Names Value LaTeX

Add styling to the question's display and write a script to run when the question is created.

This script will run after the question's variable have been generated but before the HTML is attached.
Apply styling rules to the question's content.

Use this tab to check that this question works as expected.

There was an error which means the tests can't run:

Part Test Passed?
Hasn't run yet Running Passed Failed
  • :

This question is used in the following exams: