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From users who are members of Transition to university :
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said | Should not be used | 7 years, 6 months ago |
Stanislav Duris | said | Needs to be tested | 7 years, 7 months ago |
Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 6 months ago
Saved a checkpoint:
I've split parts a and b into separate questions. I'm not sure about part c - is it obviousthat you'd always want to underestimate the distance? Maybe it needs a sentence like "you want to know if you'll meet your target in the next five minutes".
Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 6 months ago
Gave some feedback: Should not be used
Stanislav Duris 7 years, 7 months ago
Published this.Stanislav Duris 7 years, 7 months ago
Saved a checkpoint:
Vicky suggested making this question and these parts because she thought the other question about estimation was not applicable to real life estimation enough. If this question still needs some stuff to do and someone else picks it up after I leave, you can maybe change some of the scenarios or adjust the question so there is no specific rounding students need to do and they can just choose one they want as Christian suggested. I sadly do not have time for this.
Stanislav Duris 7 years, 7 months ago
Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested
Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 7 months ago
Gave some feedback: Has some problems
Christian Lawson-Perfect 7 years, 7 months ago
Saved a checkpoint:
There are too many items in part a - I can't add them all up in my head. Just two or three items, plus the ice cream, would be enough to get the idea across.
Both parts a and b have this problem - even after rounding, I can't do these calculations in my head, so I might as well use a calculator.
"The dimensions of the room are 6.49m×2.88m×3.39m where 3.39m is the height." is oddly worded. I'd say "The room measures 6.49m×2.88m, and 3.39m high."
In part b, I'd round to the nearest metre and do the calculation in my head. My maximum error when rounding to the nearest metre is $4 \times \left(\frac{1}{2}(\text{width}+\text{depth}+\text{height})+\frac{1}{4} \right)\text{m}^2$, which will be around one bucket's worth.
By the way, the height I got, 3.39m, is completely unrealistic! In the UK the minimum ceiling height is 2.1m and the standard is around 2.4m.
The thesis of this question is that sometimes rounding to 1 sig fig is too blunt, but I don't think the given scenarios make a great case for it: they're all 'mental maths' scenarios. If I'm going to use a calculator, I might as well type in 2 decimal places rather than rounding to 1. Can you think of scenarios where you've got some very precise measurements, but only want a moderately precise answer?
You could use the separate minimum and maximum accepted value settings for number entry parts in a question like this - accept anything within a generous bound of the true answer, and let the student perform whatever estimation they like, maybe guiding them towards one.
Stanislav Duris 7 years, 7 months ago
Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested
Stanislav Duris 7 years, 7 months ago
Created this.Name | Status | Author | Last Modified | |
Rounding and estimating calculations 2 | Should not be used | Stanislav Duris | 20/11/2019 14:42 | |
Rounding and estimating calculations - adding up prices in a shop | Ready to use | Christian Lawson-Perfect | 20/11/2019 14:42 | |
Rounding and estimating calculations - painting a room | Ready to use | Christian Lawson-Perfect | 20/11/2019 14:42 | |
Consumer Arithmetic - Rounding and estimating calculations - adding up prices in a shop | draft | Paul Hancock | 24/07/2018 03:04 | |
David's copy of Rounding and estimating calculations - painting a room | draft | David Rickard | 07/11/2018 21:04 |
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