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Differentiate the function f(x)=(a+bx)menx using the product rule. Find g(x) such that f′(x)=(a+bx)m−1enxg(x).
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
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hayfa abd | said | Ready to use | 7 years ago |
hayfa abd 7 years ago
Gave some feedback: Ready to use
Helge Münnich 7 years ago
Created this as a copy of DIfferentiation: product rule.There are 8 other versions that do you not have access to.
Name | Type | Generated Value |
a | integer |
s1 | integer |
b | integer |
m | integer |
n | integer |
Generated value: integer
This variable doesn't seem to be used anywhere.
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{Ruleset std has not been defined}
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for a polynomial g(x). You have to find g(x).
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