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Template question. Seven statements given and student should determine if they are true or false. It is possible that 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 out of the 7 statements will be true and these are all equally likely.
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
Lovkush Agarwal 6 years, 5 months ago
Created this as a copy of Template: true/false multiple choice.There are 88 other versions that do you not have access to.
Name | Type | Generated Value |
statements_true | list |
List of 7 items
statements_false | list |
List of 7 items
max_mark | integer |
Name | Type | Generated Value |
n_true | integer |
digits | list |
List of 14 items
rand | vector |
statements | list |
List of 7 items
n | number |
marks | matrix |
Matrix of size 7×2
Name | Type | Generated Value |
Generated value: list
[ "Solving an equation means finding all values of the unknown which makes the equation true", "To add two fractions, you need to make their denominators equal first", "To divide by a fraction, you do not need to make the denominators equal first", "Dividing by $\\frac{1}{\\var{n_true+1}}$ is the same as multiplying by $\\var{n_true+1}$", "The circumference of a circle of radius $r$ is $2\\pi r$", "Dividing by $0.01$ is the same as multiplying by $100$", "According to the convention described in Lecture 1.4, positive angles correspond to anti-clockwise rotation" ]
← Depends on:
- n_true
→ Used by:
- statements
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