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Q1 is true/false question covering some core facts, notation and basic examples. Q2 has two functions for which second derivative needs to be determined.
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
Maria Aneiros 5 years, 9 months ago
Created this as a copy of Differentiation: second derivatives, core facts.There are 88 other versions that do you not have access to.
Name | Type | Generated Value |
statements_true | list |
List of 9 items
statements_false | list |
List of 9 items
max_mark | integer |
n | number |
a | integer |
b | rational |
c | integer |
Name | Type | Generated Value |
rand | list |
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]
statements | list |
List of 9 items
marks | matrix |
Matrix of size 9×2
Name | Type | Generated Value |
a1 | integer |
n1 | integer |
b1 | integer |
a2 | integer |
b2 | integer |
Name | Type | Generated Value |
Generated value: list
[ "$f\'\'(x) = -\\sin(x)$", "$g\'\'(t) = -\\cos(t)$", "The first derivative of a function is just the derivative of the function", "The second derivative of $f$ is the derivative of the derivative of $f$ ", "The second derivative of $g$ can be denoted by $\\frac{d^2g}{dt^2}$", "The second derivative of $f$ can be denoted by $\\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}$", "If the second derivative is positive, then the first derivative is increasing", "If the second derivative is positive, then the graph is convex", "If the second derivative is negative, then the graph is concave" ]
This variable doesn't seem to be used anywhere.
Match choices with answers
Ask the student a question, and give any hints about how they should answer this part.
Which of the following are true and which are false?
In the following, f(x)=sin(x) and g(t)=cos(t).
For each combination of answer and choice, specify the number of marks to add or subtract when the student picks it.
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Part | Test | Passed? |
Match choices with answers | ||
Hasn't run yet | ||
Gap-fill | ||
Hasn't run yet | ||
Mathematical expression | ||
Hasn't run yet | ||
Mathematical expression | ||
Hasn't run yet |