200 results for "class".
Question in Nikon's workspace
Choosing whether given random variables are qualitative or quantitative.
Exam (6 questions) in Farai's workspace
In class test contributes about 30% of your assesment work. Make sure you write your REG number.
Question in Tamsin's workspaceClassifying matrices (dimensions/order)
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Split $\displaystyle \frac{ax+b}{(cx + d)(px+q)}$ into partial fractions.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Identifying the correct rule to use
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Identifying the correct rule to use
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
An introduction to using the quotient rule
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Identifying the correct rule to use
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Using the chain rule within product rule problems
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Differentiating further exponentials
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
More work on differentiation with trigonometric functions
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
$I$ compact interval, $g:I\rightarrow I,\;g(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$. Find stationary points, local and global maxima and minima of $g$ on $I$
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Quotient and remainder, polynomial division.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Find the gradient of $ \displaystyle ax^b+\frac{c}{x^{d}}+f$ at $x=n$
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
A basic introduction to differentiation
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Find $\displaystyle\int \frac{ax+b}{(x+c)(x+d)}\;dx,\;a\neq 0,\;c \neq d $.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
No description given
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
No description given
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
No description given
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Using the chain rule with polynomials
Question in Elena's workspace
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in Demos
In four parts, the student builds up the definition of a class representing a rectangle. First they write the constructor, then add methods to compute area and perimeter.
In the final part, they must use the methods to write a function which determines if a rectangle's area is larger than its perimeter.
Question in Functions
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in How-tos
This shows one way of laying out matrix cells in a table, so that some cells can be filled in by the student.
At the time this was written, there's an open issue for allowing some entries in the matrix entry part to be filled-in, which would make this technique redundant.
Some CSS in the preamble adds the brackets around the table - it has to have the attribute
Question in Engineering Statics
Classic problem of a vehicle parked on an incline. Best solved by rotating the coordinate system.
Image Credit: https://svgsilh.com/image/34325.html CC-0
Question in Functions
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in Functions
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in Foundation Maths
When are vectors $\boldsymbol{v,\;w}$ orthogonal?
Question in Musa's workspace
Recovering original function given some information such as derivative and value at some point.
Question in Musa's workspace
$x$ is given and (sin(x),cos(x)) is plotted on a unit circle. Then the student is asked to determine sin(y) and cos(y), where y is closely related to x (e.g. y=-x, y=180+x, etc.) Also find values and sign of cos/tan/sin(x).