366 results for "matrix".
Exam (3 questions) in Martin's workspace
Quiz to assess matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication and multiplication by scalar, determinants and inverses, solving a system of simultaneous equations.
Question in How-tos
The student is asked to enter a given matrix, but they're only required to fill in the upper triangle.
A custom marking algorithm fills in any empty cells in the lower triangle of the student's answer with the corresponding cell in the upper triangle.
The student is still warned if they leave any cells empty in the upper triangle.
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in How-tos
The CSS preamble adds a vertical line down the input for part b, to separate the two parts of the matrix.
Question in Natalia's workspace
Calculate the magnitude of a 3-dimensional vector, where $\mathbf v$ is written in the form $\pmatrix{v_1\\v_2\\v_3}$.
Question in Ugur's workspace
$A,\;B$ $2 \times 2$ matrices. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of both. Hence or otherwise, find $B^n$ for largish $n$.
Ugur's copy of Find eigenvalues, characteristic polynomial and a normalised eigenvector of a 3x3 matrix Ready to useQuestion in Ugur's workspace
Given a 3 x 3 matrix, and two eigenvectors find their corresponding eigenvalues. Also fnd the characteristic polynomial and using this find the third eigenvalue and a normalised eigenvector $(x=1)$.
Characteristic poly, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 3x3, digonailsability (non-randomised) Ready to useQuestion in Ugur's workspace
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 3x3 matrix and is asked to find the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues, and then eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. The part asking for eigenvectors can be repeated as often as the student wants, to be used for different eigenvalues.
Assessed: calculating characteristic polynomial and eigenvectors.
Feature: any correct eigenvalue will be recognised by the marking algorithm, even multiples of the obvious one(s) (which can be read off from the reduced row echelon form)
Randomisation: Not randomised, just using particular matrices. I am still working on how to randomise this for 3x3; a randomised 2x2 version exists. I have several different versions for 3x3 (not all published yet), so I could make a random choice between these in a test.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Cofactors Determinant and inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
Question in Tamsin's workspaceTranspose of a matrix
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Exercises on calculating the determinant of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Exercises on calculating the determinant of 3x3 matrices.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Find the determinant and inverse of three $2 \times 2$ invertible matrices.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
This question tests learner's knowledge of the inverse matrix method for a 3x3 matrix.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Exam (2 questions) in Tamsin's workspace
This exam gives an overview of skills studnets require to be able to add and subtract matrices.
Question in Tamsin's workspaceMatrix subtraction (student defines dimensions in answer)
Question in Tamsin's workspaceScalar Multiplication (pre-defined sizes in answers)
Exam (2 questions) in Tamsin's workspace
This exam gives tests for an overview of the skills students need to be able to perfom matrix multiplications.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Multiplication of two matrices.
Exam (3 questions) in Tamsin's workspace
This is a collection of questions to test different aspect to consider when representing a matrix.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
This question tests understanding of subscript notation for matrices
Question in Tamsin's workspaceClassifying matrices (dimensions/order)
Question in Tamsin's workspaceIdentify element of a matrix.
Question in Tamsin's workspaceMatrix addition (pre-defined dimensions in answer)
Question in Demos
A demo of the matrix entry part and its options.
Exam (3 questions) in Demos
A few questions which show off the new matrix entry part.
Question in Numerical Bits'n'Pieces
Find principal stresses by finding the eigenvalues of the matrix
Question in NCL MAS2707
Alternative version of Graphs: Match graph to its adjacency matrix, where the student must match an adjacency matrix to a graph.
Question in NCL MAS2707
The student is shown one graph, and asked to type the adjacency matrix