228 results for "method".
Question in NCL MSP3801
Find a second solution to an ODE by first finding the Wronskian.
Exam (4 questions) in Engineering Statics
Homwork Set. Covers graphical, and trigonometric methods of vector addition.
Question in CBEH4132
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Exam (2 questions) in CBEH4132
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Question in Engineering Statics
Solve for the internal force in three members of a truss.
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve Truss by the method of joints. The solution is simplified by recognizing symmetry.
Exam (4 questions) in Engineering Statics
Homework set. Find the forces in truss members using the method of joints.
Question in SIT316
This question uses a Geogebra applet to solve a linear program with two variables using the graphical method. It contains three steps:
- Construct the feasible area (polygon) by adding the constraints one by one. The students can see what happens when the constraints are added.
- Add the objective function, and the level set of the objective value is shown, as well as its (normalised) gradient.
- Compute the optimal solution by moving the level set of the objective around.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
This question tests learner's knowledge of the inverse matrix method for a 3x3 matrix.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Demos
In four parts, the student builds up the definition of a class representing a rectangle. First they write the constructor, then add methods to compute area and perimeter.
In the final part, they must use the methods to write a function which determines if a rectangle's area is larger than its perimeter.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
This question gives the student the formula for the charge on a capacitor as a function of time then asks them to find the value of k, the exponential constant given other values and hence write out the formula for the given case. A custom function (in Extensions & scripts) extracts the student's formula and plots it on a JSXGraph object in the question. The student is then asked to evaluate the function at a given point using the plot or other methods. The value of the capacitor (Q_0), time (t) and charge at time t are randomised as is the value at which the formula is to be evaluated.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
Simultaneous equations question. values for the coefficients are generated to be small numbers, random values are generated for the weights and the resultant energies are calculated for the question. Student needs to solve equations to find coefficients. Advice gives solution using method of elimination.
Question in MESH
The subtraction algortihm using the borrow and pay back method with integers.
Question in Engineering Statics
Two forces act on a bell crank. This problem has two unknown magnitudes and an unknown direction which makes it tricky to solve by the equilibrium equation method.
The solution is much simpler if three force body principle is used.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the reactions of a rigid body (a triangular plate) at a pin and roller, using the three-force body principle.
Question in Christian's workspace
The student is asked to calculate a division by the method of long division, which they should enter in a grid.
The process is simulated and the order in which cells are filled in is recorded, so the marking feedback tries to identify the first cell that the student got wrong, or should try to fill in next.
They're asked to give the quotient as a plain number in a second part, to check that they can interpret the finished grid properly.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Exam (1 question) in Learning, Debugging, Testing etc.
Different methods of loading a geogebra applet.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find forces required to hold a particle in equilibrium when subjected to a downward load. Directions of the reactions are given.
Exam (11 questions) in Martin's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Question in Brendan's workspace
Practice question solving linear homogeneous second order differentials using the auxiliary equation method.
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to model and solve Integer Programming problems by Branch and bound method
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to model and solve Integer Programming problems by Branch and bound method
Exam (2 questions) in Musa's workspace
No description given
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve Linear Programming problems by hand using the Simplex Method.
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve Linear Programming problems by hand using the Simplex Method.
Exam (4 questions) in Musa's workspace
LP: Geometric method
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve Linear Programming problems by applying Geometric method.
Question in Musa's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve Linear Programming problems by applying Geometric method.