314 results for "numbas".
Exam (21 questions) in Foundation Maths
A practice test to get used to the NUMBAS environment.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Identify well-known fractional equivalents of decimals. Convert obscure decimals and recurring decimals into fractions.
https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22784/decimals-to-fractions/ by Lauren Richards
Translated to German.
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Exam (1 question) in Demos
This easy exam is intended to be used by administrators to check the integration of Numbas with a leaarning environment.
Exam (122 questions) in Comet Project
DIAGNOSYS is a knowledge-based test of mathematics background knowledge for first-year university students, created by John Appleby at Newcastle University.
The questions have been translated directly into Numbas, with as few changes as possible.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Decide whether statements about square and cube numbers are always true, sometimes true or never true.
German translation of https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22768/always-sometimes-or-never-square-and-cube-numbers/ von Stanislav Duris.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Schreibe $\displaystyle \frac{a} {b + \frac{c}{d}}$ als einen gekürzten Bruch $\displaystyle \frac{p}{q}$ mit ganzen Zahlen $p$ und $q$.
Angepasste, übersetzte und erweiterte Version von https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11701/simplifying-fractions/ von Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics.
Exam (7 questions) in Christian's workspace
Some questions for our open day, to give students a first taste of Numbas.
Question in Christian's workspace
This is a copy of a question from the Numbas demos project, with references to the editor removed.
The student is shown a plot of a mystery function. They can enter values of $x$ check, within the bounds of the plot.
They're asked to give the formula for the function, and then asked for its value at a very large value of $x$.
A plot of the student's function updates automatically as they type. Adaptive marking is used for the final part to award credit if the student gives the right value for their incorrect function.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Details on inputting numbers into Numbas. (German translation)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Dealing with functions in Numbas. (Translation to German.)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Inputting ratios of algebraic expressions. (Translation to German)
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Information on inputting powers
Exam (5 questions) in Prearrival
6 questions which introduce the student to the Numbas system.
Exam (5 questions) in Deactivated user's workspace
6 questions which introduce the student to the Numbas system.
Exam (5 questions) in Pre-arrival for Business students
6 questions which introduce the student to the Numbas system.
Question in Elena's workspace
Students are supposed to use Excel (or similar) to find the answers (e.g., enter coordinates of two points then plot and add trendline).
Uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a line $y=mx+c$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in Foundation Maths
This uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a line $y=mx+c$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in Demos
A demo of the matrix entry part and its options.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
This question is a variation on another version which asks the student to find the height of a bridge arch and width of the river given a formula for the arch of the bridge (also available in the Numbas database)
Question in Demos
This easy question is intended to be used by administrators to test the integration of Numbas with a learning environment.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Entering numbers and algebraic symbols in Numbas. (German translation)
Exam (20 questions) in Evi's workspace
A portfolio of NUMBAS questions created for first year Natural Sciences students. The questions cover the topics:
- Linear functions
- Quadratic functions
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Explonatial and logarithms
- Further differentiation
- Further Integration
- Trigonometric Functions
Question in Panamaconferentie
BASIS: Maak een extra "part" aan, waar om het product van de twee breuken gevraagd wordt.
BASIS: Zoek uit waar
voor dient (bij de variabelen) en hoe die typische fout dan effectief gesignaleerd wordt.GEMIDDELD: Zorg dat geen/enkel (jouw keuze) noemers voorkomen die geen gemeenschappelijke deler hebben. (Hint:
kan een hulp zijn, met een for-loop.) -
Question in Panamaconferentie
Quadratic factorisation that does not rely upon pattern matching.
One could also use the pattern matching syntax to check automatically; this is programatically harder.
Exam (21 questions) in Demos
Some questions to show off features of Numbas, linked from the Numbas homepage.
Question in AA How to examples
Inputting algebraic expressions into Numbas.