395 results for "table".
Question in How-tos
This demonstrates how to:
- Generate a fixed number of observations of data in two categories.
- Display the data in a table, with row and column totals.
- Ask the student to enter the data in a spreadsheet which is automatically marked.
Question in ENG2033
A gold ball on a steel table - effect of its own weight.
Question in ENG2033
A gold ball on a steel table - effect of its own weight.
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land$.
For example $\neg q \to \neg p$.
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example $\neg q \to \neg p$.
Question in How-tos
The student has to enter three different letters of the alphabet in the three gaps. Their answer is marked as a set: repeated answers only count as one answer.
Each gap has the same custom marking algorithm which marks that gap as correct if the student's answer is in the set of acceptable answers.
Question in shared
No description given
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Mathematics for Geosciences
Calculate statistics from a table of unpaired data and conclude whether or not they are from the same underlying population and interpret the result.
Question in Mathematics for Geosciences
Calculate statistics from a table of unpaired data and conclude whether or not they are from the same underlying population and interpret the result.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Whole number division in a context of number of tablets per day based on a tablet size and a daily prescribed amount.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Calculating the derivative of an exponential function of the form $ae^{bx}$, using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \tan(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \sin(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \cos(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Calculating the integral of a function of the form $a_1x^{b_1}+a_2x^{b_2}+a_3x^{b_3}$ using a table of integrals.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Calculating the derivative of a function of the form $a \ln(bx)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=ax^b$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Calculate an intersection probability given a two way table.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question is about identifying what types of charts or visual representations of data you can use for different data sets.
Question in How-tos
The student is asked to give the roots of a quadratic equation. They should be able to enter the numbers in any order, and each correct number should earn a mark.
When there's only one root, the student can only fill in one of the answer fields.
This is implemented with a gap-fill with two number entry gaps. The gaps have a custom marking algorithm to allow an empty answer. The gap-fill considers the student's two answers as a set, and compares with the set of correct answers.
The marking corresponds to this table:
There is one root There are two roots Student gives one correct root 100% 50%, "The root you gave is correct, but there is another one." Student gives two correct roots impossible 100% Student gives one incorrect root 0% 0% Student gives one incorrect, one correct root 50% "One of the numbers you gave is not a root". 50% "One of the numbers you gave is not a root". Student gives two incorrect roots 0% 0% -
Question in How-tos
This shows one way of laying out matrix cells in a table, so that some cells can be filled in by the student.
At the time this was written, there's an open issue for allowing some entries in the matrix entry part to be filled-in, which would make this technique redundant.
Some CSS in the preamble adds the brackets around the table - it has to have the attribute
Question in How-tos
The student is given a quadratic formula and asked to fill in a table of values of $f(x)$ for a given range of $x$.
There is also a plot of the points, which updates when the table is filled in, or the student can move the points to fill in the table.
The table uses the spreadsheet and JSXgraph extensions.
Question in How-tos
The student is given a quadratic formula and asked to fill in a table of values of $f(x)$ for a given range of $x$.
The table uses the spreadsheet extension.
Question in Swansea Electronic and Electrical Engineering
A simple test of definitions, properties and transform tables. Useful for retrieval practice.
Question in Odds and Ends
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students are asked two true/false questions based on a table of data about the LANTITE test. The pair of true/false questions are randomly selected from a pool of five pairs of questions.
Question in Newcastle University Sports Science
Given 32 datapoints in a table find their minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum.
Question in Maura's workspace
Tests students' ability to apply the recursive form of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. Random four-digit inputs are chosen subject to the condition that the Euclidean Algorithm terminates in seven steps.
Question in STAT7008
Given a random variable $X$ normally distributed as $\operatorname{N}(m,\sigma^2)$ find probabilities $P(X \gt a),\; a \gt m;\;\;P(X \lt b),\;b \lt m$.