39 results.
Question in Mathe für WiWi
No description given
Question in MESH
A normal curve is shown, with the mean and +/- 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations marked. An area of the curve is shaded and students are asked to estimate the shaded area using the heuristic rule. There are 6 possible areas: (-infty, mu-2sd), (mu-2sd, mu-1sd), (mu-1sd,mu), (mu, mu+1sd), (mu+1sd, mu+2sd), (mu+2sd, infty). The mean and standard deviation are randomised.
Exam (1 question) in Learning, Debugging, Testing etc.
Different methods of loading a geogebra applet.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Solving an equation of the form $ax \equiv b\;\textrm{mod}\;n$ where $a$ and $n$ are coprime.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Reduce a 5x6 matrix to row reduced form and using this find rank and nullity.
Question in Mash's workspace
No description given
Question in Martin's workspace
No description given
Question in Mathematics for Geosciences
A question to practise the following skills in the context of Earth Sciences:
- using a data set to deduce a linear relationship
- using the graph to make predictions
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given normal distribution $\operatorname{N}(m,\sigma^2)$ find $P(a \lt X \lt b),\; a \lt m,\;b \gt m$ and also find the value of $X$ corresponding to a given percentile $p$%.
Question in Martin's workspace
No description given
Question in T's workspace
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Question in How-tos
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Question in How-tos
This question uses the vis.js library to plot 3D functions and data sets.
As well as JME functions to make plots, you can use javascript functions to get more control over how the plots are rendered.
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in CHY1205
Use two points on a line graph to calculate the gradient and $y$-intercept and hence the equation of the straight line running through both points.
The answer box for the third part plots the function which allows the student to check their answer against the graph before submitting.
This particular example has a positive gradient.
Question in Antony's workspaceThe matrix entry part in this question marks any symmetric matrix as correct, using a custom marking algorithm. A matrix is symmetric if it is equal to its transpose.
Question in Julie's workspace
Compute a table of values for an exponential function. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points on the graph after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated. Now includes a graph in advice.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a linear programming problem in standard form, write down the dual problem.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a linear programming problem in standard form, write down the dual problem.
Question in Christian's workspace
Doesn't work - used the old extension.
Mark a GeoGebra worksheet.
Needs a worked solution.
Question in Christian's workspace
A sneak peek at a really clever integration of GeoGebra with Numbas.
Question in How-tos
An example of using the GeoGebra extension to ask the student to create a geometric construction, with marking and steps.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given data on population mean and population standard deviation and three sampling sizes, calculate the probabilities that the sample means are within a specified distance from the population mean.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Pick four numbers from $1900\dots 2015$ and ask the student to factorise them.
Custom marking scripts make sure the student has entered a complete factorisation.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Factorising 5 to 7 digit numbers into a product of prime powers.
Uses the marking algorithms from question 1 of this CBA
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
A box contains $n$ balls, $m$ of these are red the rest white.
$r$ are drawn without replacement.
What is the probability that at least one of the $r$ is red?
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Trying out something: get the student to enter a set for each of "regular singular points" and "essential singular points".
Find and classify singular points of a second-order ordinary differential equation. One equation is chosen from a selection of 10.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given $6$ vectors in $\mathbb{R^4}$ and given that they span $\mathbb{R^4}$ find a basis.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a matrix in row reduced form use this to find bases for the null, column and row spaces of the matrix.