716 results for "point".
Question in Standard Maths
Students are given a word problem and are asked to construct a line equation, evaluate it at a given point, and graph the line.
The line parameters and the given point are randomised.
Question in Standard Maths
Students are shown a graph and, in the context of a word problem, are asked to find the gradient and the y-intercept, to read points from the graph, and to identify the correct equation for the graph.
Question in Standard Maths
Students are shown to intersecting lines in the context of comparing the costs of services from two companies. They are asked to identify the y-intercept, the gradients, the point of intersection and are asked to interpret the graphs in the context of the word problem.
Question in Standard Maths
Students are shown to intersecting lines in the context of a gym visiting program. They are asked to identify the y-intercept, the gradients, the point of intersection and are asked to interpret the graphs in the context of the word problem.
Question in Standard Maths
Students are shown a graph that simultaneously plots cost and revenue lines. They are asked to identify the break-even point.
They are asked to give the x- and y- coordinate values.
The graph is randomised, but it is set up so that the point of intersection lies on gridlines.
Question in Bill's workspace
The derivative of $\displaystyle \frac{ax^2+b}{cx^2+d}$ is $\displaystyle \frac{g(x)}{(cx^2+d)^2}$. Find $g(x)$.
Contains a video solving a similar quotient rule example. Although does not explicitly find $g(x)$ as asked in the question, but this is obvious.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the stationary points of a cubic which has 2 turning points.
Question in Bill's workspace
Dividing a cubic polynomial by a linear polynomial. Find quotient and remainder.
Question in Bill's workspace
Divide $ f(x)=x ^ 4 + ax ^ 3 + bx^2 + cx+d$ by $g(x)=x^2+p $ so that:
$\displaystyle \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}=q(x)+\frac{r(x)}{g(x)}$ -
Question in Bill's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int \frac{2ax + b}{ax ^ 2 + bx + c}\;dx$
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int x(a x ^ 2 + b)^{m}\;dx$
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int \frac{a}{(bx+c)^n}\;dx$
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int ae ^ {bx}+ c\sin(dx) + px ^ {q}\;dx$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int ax ^ m+ bx^{c/n}\;dx$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find $\displaystyle \int\cosh(ax+b)\;dx,\;\;\int x\sinh(cx+d)\;dx$
Question in Bill's workspace
The derivative of $\displaystyle \frac{ax+b}{\sqrt{cx+d}}$ is $\displaystyle \frac{g(x)}{2(cx+d)^{3/2}}$. Find $g(x)$.
Question in Bill's workspace
The derivative of $\displaystyle \frac{ax+b}{cx^2+dx+f}$ is $\displaystyle \frac{g(x)}{(cx^2+dx+f)^2}$. Find $g(x)$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient on paired data and comment on the significance.
Question in Bill's workspace
Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient on paired data and comment on the significance.
Question in Bill's workspace
Spearman rank correlation calculated. 8 paired observations.
Question in Bill's workspace
Spearman rank correlation calculated. 10 paired observations.
Question in Bill's workspace
Elementary examples of multiplication and powers of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in Bill's workspace
\[ \sqrt{a x^m+b})\]
Question in Jessica's workspace
Calculations of the lengths of two 3D vectors, the distance between their terminal points, their sum, difference, and dot and cross products.
Question in Demos
Three equilateral triangles are divided equally into 3, 4 and 5 parts respectively. Calculate the distance between two marked points.
Question in Demos
Taken from question 37 of the book Problem Solving in GCSE Mathematics by Daniel Griller.
Given bearings and lengths of two straight lines, work out the bearing and distance back to the starting point.
A Eukleides diagram shows the setup visually.
Question in All questions
$f(x)= ae^{-bt}+c$ is given and plotted. A few points are plotted on the curve. $x$-coordinates are provided for two of them and $y$-coordinate provided for third. Student is required to determine other coordinates.
Question in Archive
No description given
Question in Anna's workspace
Calculate the local extrema of a function ${f(x) = e^{x/C1}(C2sin(x)-C3cos(x))}$
The graph of f(x) has to be identified.
The first derivative of f(x) has to be calculated.
The min max points have to be identified using the graph and/or calculated using the first derivative method. Requires solving trigonometric equation