395 results for "table".
Question in Maths support
Given a table of the number of days in which sales were between £x1000 and £(x+1)1000 find the relative percentage frequencies of these volume of sales.
Question in Maths support
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Maths support
Scores (including negatives) in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Maths support
Exam (45 questions) in AMRC Mathematics Admission Test - Rolls Royce Demo
No description given
Question in Foundation course FS0013 Heat and Energy
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Stats
Normal distribution $X \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ given. Find $P(a \lt X \lt b)$. Find expectation, variance, $P(c \lt \overline{X} \lt d)$ for sample mean $\overline{X}$.
Exam (45 questions) in AMRC Mathematics Admissions Test
No description given
Question in Foundation course FS0013 Heat and Energy
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through one phase change, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Tom's workspace
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through one phase change, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Foundation course FS0013 Heat and Energy
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Tom's workspace
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Tom's workspace
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Luis's workspace
Esta es la pregunta para la semana 4 del curso MA100 en el LSE. Examina el material de los capítulos 7 y 8. A continuación se describe cómo se definió un polinomio en la pregunta. Esto puede ser útil para cualquier persona que necesite editar esta pregunta.
Para las partes a a c, utilizamos un polinomio definido como m * (x ^ 4 - 2a ^ 2 x ^ 2 + a ^ 4 + b), donde las variables "a" y "b" se seleccionan al azar de un conjunto de tamaño reajustable, y la variable $ m $ se elige aleatoriamente del conjunto {+1, -1}. Podemos ver fácilmente que este polinomio tiene puntos estacionarios en -a, 0 y a. Introdujimos la variable "m" para que estos puntos estacionarios no siempre tuvieran la misma clasificación. La variable "b" es siempre positiva, y esto asegura que nuestro polinomio no cruce el eje x. Los primeros y segundos derivados; puntos estacionarios; la evaluación de la segunda derivada en los puntos estacionarios; la clasificación de los puntos estacionarios; y las intersecciones de los ejes se pueden expresar fácilmente en términos de las variables "a", "b" y "m". En efecto,
Exam (10 questions) in aleams's workspace
Find an integral by choosing a suitable substitution.
Question in PHYS1010
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Exam (8 questions) in MAT333
Find an integral by choosing a suitable substitution.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}(e \operatorname{op5} f) $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e,\;f$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4},\;\operatorname{op5}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \to (p \lor q)$
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example $\neg q \to \neg p$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}e $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \lor \neg q$
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example $\neg q \to \neg p$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}e $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \lor \neg q$
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $(a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d)$ where $a, \;b,\;c,\;d$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $(p \lor \neg q) \land(q \to \neg p)$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $(a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d)$ where $a, \;b,\;c,\;d$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $(p \lor \neg q) \land(q \to \neg p)$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}(e \operatorname{op5} f) $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e,\;f$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4},\;\operatorname{op5}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \to (p \lor q)$
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}e $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;r,\;\neg p,\;\neg q,\;\neg r$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg r) \to (p \land \neg q)) \land \neg r$
Exam (7 questions) in MATH6059
Laplace from tables: e^(at), cos(bt), sin(bt).
Question in Harry's workspace
Sample of size $24$ is given in a table. Find sample mean, sample standard deviation, sample median and the interquartile range.
Question in Nazim's workspace
Given a table of data, calculate the mean, mode and median, and complete a frequency table.
Question in Nursing
This creates a 4x4 times table grid using numbers from 2 to 9. The step gives some advice on how to work out times tables (products, multiplications) if you can't remember them.