1075 results for "number".
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Simple probability question. Counting number of occurrences of an event in a sample space with given size and finding the probability of the event.
Question in Maureen's workspace
Multiplication of 2-digit numbers expressed visually
Question in Maureen's workspace
quick shortcut
Question in Maureen's workspace
quick multiplication
Exam (5 questions) in Martin's workspace
Quiz covering basic arithmetic with complex numbers, solving a quadratic with complex solutions and converting to/from polar and rectangular forms.
Exam (7 questions) in Louisa's workspace
Addition activity 1 for Eva.
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Louisa's workspace
Adding single digit numbers together.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NC = Non Calculator strand. NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students are given the total hours of work (randomised) and overtime (randomised) and asked to write an expression for the amount of pay earned.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
Just showing how to use the stdev function from the stats extension to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
Question in Ross's workspace
Student is given two whole numbers to add, they have to give the sum.
The numbers are in the range of -9 to 9.
Exam (2 questions) in MECE3930U
MECE3930U: Heat Transfer Assignment 3
Please follow the Numbas guidance first if you did not attend the Numbas session.
Number of attempts = 5
Time to complete: unlimited
All answers should be provided without the units, but attention must be paid to the unit instructions in each question. For example, if your answer is 100.3 W/m2K, type 100.3 only.
All answers must be rounded to one digit, unless otherwise stated. For example, if your answer is 100.27, type 100.3.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Application of the Poisson distribution given expected number of events per interval.
Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution.
Question in Josh's workspace
Identify the prime number
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Questions around quadratic equations over finite fields of the form $\mathbb F_p$, $p$ a prime number.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Direct calculation of low positive and negative powers of complex numbers. Calculations involving a complex conjugate. Powers of $i$. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11788/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-v/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Tramslated to German
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Elementary examples of multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11784/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-i/ by Newcastle University Mathematics ans Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Composite multiplication and division of complex numbers. Two parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11787/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-iv/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Inverse and division of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11786/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-iii/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/11785/arithmetics-of-complex-numbers-ii/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Translated to German.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Some simple multiple choice questions on the field of complex numbers.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a probability mass function $P(X=i)$ with outcomes $i \in \{0,1,2,\ldots 8\}$, find the expectation $E$ and $P(X \gt E)$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for $x(t)$, $\displaystyle\frac{dx}{dt}=\frac{a}{(x+b)^n},\;x(0)=0$
Question in How-tos
The student is shown two number entry gaps on either side of a 'less than' sign. Their answer is marked correct if the first number is less than the second, using a custom marking algorithm.
This shows how to mark the gaps in a gap-fill part together, rather than independently.
Question in How-tos
To prevent students from giving a trivial answer for a part which is used later in adaptive marking, you can consider it as invalid.
Part a of this question has a custom marking algorithm which marks an answer of zero as invalid. Any other answer is used in adaptive marking for part b.